Bryan's Picture Guide to the Phoenix Hidden Tape For The THPS Inept
One of the most difficult hidden tapes to find in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is the one at the Phoenix Downhill Jam. While some may argue that the San Francisco one is harder to get (and more frustrating because you can see it the entire time), the Phoenix tape has left many people dumbfounded. It seems like it's not even visible from any part of the course.
Other people have found it, but can't for the life of them, figure out how to get to it. Well, if you are one of these people, this guide is for you! Some people have tried to describe the route to the tape but their descriptions are very confusing because it's so hard to put into words.
So here is a step by step, pictorial roadmap to the hidden tape!
The first thing you need to do is get up on to the "deck" of the big half pipe. One way to do this is when you get to the half pipe, launch up the ramp on the left and grind the rail (red arrows) across.
You don't necessarily have to go this way, but it is handy because there is a valve on this rail as well. Plus you can pick up some points switching up some grinds. The other way up here is to get some speed inside the half pipe and then simply launch out the side to the top of the deck. This is a good, quick backup plan for those times where you fall off or miss the rail.
Just off to the right is the letter "A". But you're not interested in that. You want the holy grail. You want the hidden tape. Hop on to this rail (red arrows) and grind your way back across the half pipe. This is where the fun begins!
On the other end is a platform, and then a gap. You'll notice that the concrete curves up to the wall. So launch off the transition at an angle and follow the wall to the other side. The transition at the other side of the gap will ease your landing.
Now that you've made it across, you'll find that you have to cross the ravine yet again. But how? Well you can jump up to the top of this rock bridge (red arrows) and ride it all the way across!
On the other side of the rock bridge, you'll notice that there is a gap with a wall similar to the first one. Use the same technique. Hint: For a little extra insurance, you can actually grind the top of this wall, ensuring you make it to the other side (inset).
Once you've crossed that gap, then you're almost there! There is a big ramp that will launch you out to your destiny. You'll need some speed. Some wimpy people use a fastplant here to get more air. Some people do 180 nollie benihanas. Just do what you gotta do to get the tape.
You'll launch out to this pillar. It's got rails all along the top of it. You can see the tape right there. If you hit any one of those rails you will get the tape. You don't even have to hit the rails though. You can actually roll under the rails and still get them. And if you've got enough speed and height...
HIDDEN TAPE!! And if you don't have enough speed? Well you'll fall about 200 feet to your blood splattered, rocky death. Your friends will laugh at you for the rest of your life for being such a feeble insect. Maybe you should try rollerblading instead!
If you want to see some more of Bryan's THPS stuff, click HERE. It used to be a bunch of really bad screen shots and huge .gif animations. Now I have upgraded and have put in some .AVI files and .ASF video files of some cool tricks, including a replay of a 202,192 point trick in Chicago.
You will need a more recent version of Windows Media Player to play the .ASF files, but it is worth it, because the videos are twice as big (320x240) with sharper pictures even though the file size is about the same as the AVI format.
Finally, after you've finally weaned yourself away from your Playstation, you might want to check out these other fine sites by Bryan Hong:
If you'd like to congratulate me on a job well done, complain about me insulting you, or you just want to tell me that I have too much time on my hands and I need to get a life, you can write to me at But please don't ask me for a list of all the THPS tricks. You can find all that stuff and more at slateman's amazing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Online FAQ.
Last updated: 10 December 1999
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