Tuesday, 27 June 2000
1:30am, Wednesday Morning
o tomorrow, CAPE finally moves out of that concrete mass called H&SS, and we get to move into our new offices in Sequoyah Hall. Starting tomorrow you can visit me there at Sequoyah 212, you will see my name next to the door, Dr. Bryan Hong; I put that up yesterday.
I guess kind of a lot has happened in the last few days, so I'll start with this past weekend. On Friday night, I went up to Lawrence's place. We went to Disneyland that night and got to ride on the new Autopia which had just soft opened.
The new Autopia is cool. The loading area is cool, the new cars are cool, and the track is super long because they combined the old Tomorrowland and Fantasyland Autopia tracks to make it into one giant track. There are three different cars, the "cute" car, the "sports car" and the off road vehicle. There is even a little "off road" section where the road gets all bumpy. You can even take your sports car that way.
Kids love that ride. You could just feel the joy radiating from their faces as finally, the kid gets to drive their dad around instead of the other way around. There's just something so fun, and even liberating about that role reversal.
Right before you get on the ride, they even give you these little drivers licenses, one for each type of car on it. We had a friendly guy at the front handing them out and he gave me and Law both the complete set of three, even though you are supposed to only get one. Well, I had this thought that I'd probably see these cards on ebay, and well, I was right. Pretty ridiculous, right? Well what's even more ridiculous is that people actually bid on them. So I thought, what the heck, I got into the park without paying because I had my annual pass, and I got these for free, so I'll put them up on ebay. And sure enough, people have bid on them. You can see the auction HERE. One of the other auctions is even up to $17.50, that's how crazy this world is!
I started broadcasting the "BryBry Show" on "K-RiCE", my live streaming web radio broadcast, currently limited to only 10 streams at once. I did this for the first time last night just to test it out with one listener. I did it for real tonight. It's really fun, I get to play whatever songs I want, and say whatever I want and pretend like I'm a real radio DJ or something. I did it again for most of this evening and tonight even. It's very addicting.
Thanks to the power of the Rice-Boy Page message board, I can just post a message up there and have listeners! This is way better than just trying to do this on my own. If I didn't have the riceboypage, I wouldn't have any listeners at all! I was fluctuating between 3 and 5 listeners most of the time, but finally, around midnight, I had it pinned at my maximum 10 streams for a good hour. There were people in the riceboy chat who wanted to get on the stream but couldn't! So I think this could turn into a more regular thing, maybe with more regular hours.
I know that when I move into Cami's place she wants to get into the action on this K-RiCE thing too. We'll see what happens, or if I'm even still doing this by then. But hey, before I quit, I want to do at least one live call in show :)
And I guess that is about it. I better get to bed so I can go to work tomorrow!!
Saturday, 1 July 2000
12:30am, Sunday Morning
elen is moving back to San Jose tomorrow. Yesterday, Helen, Cami, and I went to the Del Mar Fair. We ate lots of food, and we rode on some rides and stuff. It was fun. We checked out this art exhibit. There was a section for "e-Arts" which ended up being a bunch of crap. I mean, it's like people just took pictures, played with some Photoshop filters and then printed it out on super glossy paper and called it art. It was really ridiculous.
Today... the three of us went to Mimi's Cafe and I bought lunch for everybody then we hung out at Cami and Helen's place. Then I said bye to Helen because chances are that I won't be seeing her tomorrow before she leaves. I am really going to miss Helen a lot, she is such a good friend, and there are so many things that I can talk to her about that I just can't share with anybody. I really love her a lot, and she's one of the greatest friends I've ever had.
Tonight I went down to Viejas casino. They have a new buffet that I wanted to check out. Man, Viejas has improved so much since the last time I was there! It's almost as good as Vegas now! But first, I'll talk about the buffet.
The buffet was $8.99, and it was at least as good as any $8.99 buffet in Vegas. It doesn't have anything really extrodinary, but the food is decent. The prime rib was pretty good, and pretty rare. The outside of it is covered in rosemary. The salad was pretty fresh, and tastey. The seafood pasta wasn't so great though. The dessert bar was pretty good though, because instead of soft-serve ice cream, they have real ice cream that is scooped out by a real person.
Since Prop 1A has passed, the casino has gotten a lot better, and much more Vegas-like. They now have a few slot machines that, though they still have only video screens, actually pay out coins instead of slips of paper that you cash in. It just sounds so much more exciting in the casino now.
They now also have no-ante $5 blackjack. In the past, you had to pay a 50 cent contribution on each hand. This really messed up your odds. But now, on the $5 and up tables, there is no more contribution, so your odds don't get all screwed up by that. It's still 6 (maybe 8!?) decks, and the dealer hits soft 17, but it's a lot better than it was before!
One great addition that they just got in yesterday is authentic Let it Ride. No contribution, and it's got the real payout schedule that they use in Vegas. This game is identical to the game they play in Vegas, same odds and everything! It's great!
So I played Let it Ride cuz I wanted to try it out. I ended up winning about $100. Not bad at all! Anyway, I just wanted to say that Viejas casino is now almost as good as the real thing!