Sunday, 13 August 2000
1:15am (monday morning)
hite backround. This is the first time my update has had a white background in a while. When I switched back to this format of updating (after using the message board style one), I thought it would let me exercise a little more creativity, but really I just ended up copying the update from the previous week and doing the same thing over and over again. This weekend was pretty exciting. Friday night, Kenny (my old roommate) and Peter came down and spent the night so that we could all go to Cindy's wedding. Cami went with us too. Cindy... that girl whose picture who is on my website. Back in '95-'96, when my website was just starting, it seemed like her pictures were everywhere. There are actually probably the same number of Cindy pictures on there now as there were back then, but the number of pictures total has gone up by a lot. She lived two floors below me and Kenny when we were all living in Meteor Hall as freshmen at UCSD. Anyway. This wedding was weird for me because it was the first time someone that I had been previously "involved" with has gotten married.
Now I know there is no good reason for it, but for some reason, it leaves me with feelings of inadequacy. Like I wasn't good enough to seal the deal or something. It's stupid, but that's just the way I feel about it.
The reception was weird too. It was like a college reunion or something. I saw a bunch of people that I hadn't seen in years. And of course, I had to field that question that is kind of awkward for me right now... "So... what are you doing these days?"
Today I woke up late. I wanted to sleep in so I would recover from feeling sick the night before. My head felt like it was gonna explode so I took som Ny-Quill and passed out. I felt better this morning, but I'm still not 100% yet. Cami and I had lunch at Mimi's cafe. Then we met Mary, my other roommate at the movie theater and watched Coyote Ugly which turned out to be a chick movie that they disguised to be a guy movie with scantily clad chicks running around and dancing, so that they could trick guys into watching a chick movie. Yes, there was plenty of scantily clad chicks running around in the movie. But the plot was decidedly chick movie, with plenty of "romantic" stuff that every girl wants to have happen to them, but if it happened to them in real life, they'd probably get offended and smack whatever guy was trying to get them. Chick movies are always filled with impossible stuff that would never work in real life. In a way, that kind of stuff seems even more impossible to me than the kind of impossible stuff you see James Bond or Ethan Hunt doing in the movies, because at least in those movies, you know it's supposed to be a big fantasy and that it would never happen. But chick movies are different because they are there to make chicks believe that those kinds of things can happen to them in real life.
So what is a man to do? I mean, girls will get mad at you for never being romantic and doing the kinds of thing that Richard Gere or Christian Slater would do in a chick flick; yet if you actually tried to do something like that, you'd get shot down for being cheesy, or offensive, or coming on to strong, or any combination of the three! It really sucks being a guy sometimes. I mean, if you are a girl, and you want to get some, you can pretty much just get some any time you want. You might have to lower your standards a bit, but you can still get some. Guys can lower their standards as low as they go short of paying someone to do it with them, and even then it's still more like
50/50 than a sure thing. But I guess that's the price we pay for not having to deal with other things, like buying feminine products, shaving legs and buying lots of shoes... and pants and other clothes.
Speaking of buying lots of pants... I haven't really introduced Mary, my other roommate. Mary is a very smart and attractive woman. But Mary has a problem. She is a compulsive shopper. She has an entire bookcase that is packed virtually from floor to ceiling filled with nothing but pants. Here she is on the left, showing her enormous collection of pants. She says she also plans on putting together a similar arrangement for her equally enormous collection of shoes. I have one roommate that lives in a box in the dining room, and one roommate with enough pants to make that 3rd shelf bend downwards. And then there is me. What a wacky group of roomates we are. But at least we have fun!
Monday, 14 August 2000
12:40am (tuesday
ue to some extenuating circumstances, such as physical pain that occurred
toward the end of today, Cami neglected to mention in her journal entry
today that she finally got paid. She's happy. She's excited. She promptly
took her paycheck to Barona Casino. It was not my idea at all. She played
$5 in a nickle slot machine and won $50!!! How many credits is that
in a nickle machine!?!?
I'm old. But I'm
young. But I feel old. But I feel young. I'm getting fat. No, I do not
have a weight problem. And I'm still very skinny. But I am noticing some
extra skin around my abs and at my sides. It used to be impossible to grab
any skin in those areas. But now you can. I'm in no danger of being
overweight, yet, it is discomforting to know that this extra bit if skin
is just plain flab. I feel less healthy than before looking in the
mirror and seeing my belly sticking out instead of being perfectly flat
with a nice six-pack (that was there not because my abs were so well
toned, but because of a lack of any fat covering them up).
When I was in high
school, I felt younger than most everybody. Everyone working in all the
restaurants and in the malls were pretty much younger than me. In college,
those people were the same age as me. Now that I am just beyond the
"standard" college years, everywhere I look it seems like I see people
that are younger than me. I go to a Swindle show and it's all high school
kids that think everyone around them is old. I go to an ice cream parlor
and everyone in there is in high school having a jolly old high school
time. Even 90% of the girls working in strip clubs are younger than me
now. And the older I get, the more percentage of the population around me
there will be that I will feel older than. Which will only make me feel
increasingly older. Until one day, I am the oldest one of them all and
even my own children are old men and women and my grandchildren are even
older than I am right now. Is it really all downhill from
here? It can't be... and if it is then maybe I should try to make
the most of this part where I'm still kind of near the top!
I've got a job
interview tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, 16 August 2000
12:15am (thursday
verywhere I go now it seems like I see eucalyptus trees with gigantic
branches falling off. It's kind of scary actually. Twice in the last month
the path between the parking lot and the CAPE office has been blocked by a
rather large portion of a tree that had fallen off. I've also seen quite
a bit of large chunks of trees on North Torrey Pines road, just west of
UCSD. I'm starting to feel like it's only a matter of time before one of
these things lands on my car... or lands on me!
Now I'm not just
being paranoid here. Back when I was living in that apartment with Kenny,
there was a row of eucalyptus trees along the row where everyone parked.
One day I was standing on our balcony when I heard some crackling noises.
Then I heard a guy screaming out "oh shit!!!" from behind the next
building. Then I heard some more crackling sounds followed by some
rustling and a big thud. I ran downstairs to see what had happened and
there was this huge tree branch (bough?) that was big enough to be a tree
by itself, sitting on top of this guy's 240SX, with him just standing
there wondering what the hell to do. The roof was all caved in. I don't
even know how that all ended up because there was some confusion over who
actually owned the tree and who would be responsible for the damage and
stuff. So you see, I am not just being paranoid. And every day on my way
to work I drive under this eucalyptus tree on N. Torrey Pines, and the top
part of it is so bowed over that it's perfectly horizontal for the entire
width of a lane of traffic. One day that thing is breaking off, and I hope
I'm not driving under it when it happens!!
Me and Cami made
dinner at home. Then Mary came home and ate some food too. Then we went
out to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream. Then we came back here and we
were going to try to do a web brodcast but it ended up not happening due
to technical difficulties. Oh well.
The day after
tomorrow, baby. We're gonna be in Vegas. Vegas, Baby!!
Thursday, 17 August 2000
12:35am (friday
or some reason, I'm just in a really bad mood. I've just been in a
negative mood all night. I have to get rid of it before tomorrow. The last
thing I want to do is show up in Vegas in a bad mood!! I must keep a
positive attitude if I am going to win!!
Speaking of which,
I've got a preliminary itinerary set up for this weekend. Hopefully we
will arrive in Vegas around midnight. After we check in, I plan to play
blackjack for one or two hours, just at our hotel, or maybe next door.
Nothing too crazy. Then turn in fairly early for the night. The next
morning, since I have been waking up early all the time, I'm probably
going to wake up early anyways. So I will head down and play as much
blackjack as I can before noon, to try to get the lowest limits on the
strip to minimize my losses on the bad decks. Mostly in casinos near the
Mirage. Then I'll get a nice lunch buffet. After that, I'll go into the
hotel salon and get a cool (and probably expensive) haircut. After that,
there'll be some lounging around the pool, followed by a little more
blackjack, and a nice, kind of early, dinner buffet. At 7:30pm, I'll have
my date with Sting. After that, I'll probably drive downtown and get some
hard core blackjack on, and then to the Hard Rock casino to see if I can
maybe find a hot chick. After I am unsuccessful at finding a hot chick,
I'll probably play a little more blackjack on the strip and finally go to
Vegas, Baby!!!