Sunday, 19 November 2000
12:00am (saturday night)
o I thought it would be dumb to put this update at the end of last weeks, so I waited until it was "tomorrow" so I could put it in this week's update. It's still Saturday night. Anyway. So I hear things with Trista and her dude might not be going so smoothly anymore. Maybe this is my chance to swoop in. Or maybe I'm already too late. Aparently, there is some guy that is already swooping in. He has the advantage of being local to her. I have the disadvantage of being a little over 100 miles away and never seeing her except when Cami brings her over or when I visit them all in Camarillo. Neither of those things happen very often or with any sort of regularity though.
I saw The 6th Day with Cami tonight. It was OK. It's an action movie about human cloning. That sounds funny, cuz you'd normally think of the issue of human cloning being a very serious moral issue or something like that, not something they would make an action movie starring Arnold about. Anyway, the movie was still fun. The scenes where Arnold interacts with his clone are cool. And the billionaire bad-guy in the movie reminds me of Steve Jobs from Apple for some reason. Anyway. This movie will probably not make you think to hard, or have you wondering about the moral issues behind human cloning. It probably won't teach you any lessons about life. It won't wrench a tear from your eye. But it was still kinda cool. But not that cool. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, see it if you want to, but don't if you don't.
Monday, 20 November 2000
1:30am (tuesday morning)
rmph. I just went through that book next to the phone with everyone's phone messages. Nobody calls me. Not counting messages from people I live with, the only message I have in that book is from when I got a job interview at the place I currently work at. So I mean, it's not like it was even from anyone I really knew at the time.
It probably has something to do with the fact that I spend a good 75% or more of my waking hours within easy reach of e-mail, AIM or ICQ, and that everyone that I know, knows that. It's also pretty well known among my family and friends, that e-mail is really the most reliable way to reach me, since often times, I am not at home to get the phone.
But still, it would be kind of nice to get some phone calls from people I know that are not business related. And to have some
From Kashi... to Good Friends
(click to see other side) |
messages written down in that book next to the phone. In fact, if you are reading this and know my phone number, you should call me during the day when you know I am at work, just so that Mary or Cami can pick up the phone and write me a message in that book. Yeah. That would be cool.
Cami and I are Mary's "crew".
A little while back, in the "Adult Cereals" aisle of Vons (no, they do not sell pornographic cereal, I checked), I came across this cereal called "From Kashi to Good Friends". It is made by a company in La Jolla, but it caught my eye because it seems to have bad Engrish on purpose. I mean, the company is based in La Jolla, and yet the copy on the box sounds like it was written by someone in Japan.
The front of the box proclaims that it is a "High Fiber Trio of Flakes, Twigs & Granola". Twigs!? So I bought this cereal just to see what this twig thing was about. I mean, I never been hungry enough to eat twigs before, and even if I was, I probably wouldn't pour milk all over them. I just had to see what a cereal that would advertise itself as having something as unappetizing as twigs in it would be like. And talk about your high fiber content!
It wasn't until I got home until I realized that the box was two-sided. The grocery store had all the boxes with the picture of the cute kids pointing out. Had I seen the picture of the scary old ladies that were on the other side first, I probably wouldn't have bought this cereal (as if having "twigs" as a main selling point wasn't scary enough!).
So... what do twigs taste like? Well first of all, this cereal is pretty bland tasting. But what do you expect from a cereal
Ever wondered what twig cereal looks like? |
that sells itself as having high fiber content? As it turns out, the twigs are not really
little sticks of wood. They are some kind of processed, high-fiber food molded into a shape that is supposed to resemble a bundle of twigs. I think I'd rather have blue diamonds and purple horseshoes, if you know what I mean. On the other hand, it's better than going to work without eating anything at all.
If you are fortunate enough to live somewhere with a supermarket that carries this product, do yourself a favor and read the text that is on the side of the box. It goes into the history of Kashi, and I swear, it really does read like broken Engrish... but there shouldn't be any reason for that happening because this company is based in La Jolla! So it must be on purpose. Or something. I dunno. If nothing else, it should be good for a laugh.
It makes me sad when I see Cami and she is sad.
I am making pecan pie for thanksgiving. Actually I'm making two. Thanksgivings are pretty big in my family. If you dig around the archives of this update, you can probably find a picture from last year. Dad's side of the family is mostly in Korea or on the east coast, so we don't see them much. My mom's side is all in LA. I see them all the time. And my mom's side of the family is pretty big. And keeps getting bigger. Thanksgiving will probably be around 20 people, with no relatives more distant than a first cousin, and all on my mom's side of the family. It's fun. Playing with the kids is fun (if tiring). I'm looking forward to it.
Friday, 24 November 2000
hank you, Cami for leaving up "Bryan is never going to live down his reputation as being the Korean Jack Tripper," as the first line in your journal before going out of town for Thanksgiving. For at least four days in a row now, all those people that come to your site looking for an update will see something about me being the Korean Jack Tripper. It's really doing wonders for my ego and self-confidence. I thought you were supposed to be trying to help me find a nice girl, not scare them away. Some friend you are!
Anyway. Thanksgiving was yesterday, and it was fun, and the turkey was very good. Unlike last year, I do not have any pictures to show you guys. But the turkey was exceptionally good this year and even though I knew I was about to burst, I couldn't stop going back for more, that's how good it was.
Other than that, this weekend has been pretty uneventful. I just finished installing an under-cabinet can opener in my mom's kitchen. What excitement. Anyway, my plans for the rest of the weekend include sitting around the house vegitating as much as possible. Relax as much as possible this long weekend.