Sunday, 3 December 2000
es, there is no more Korean Jack Tripper living in this apartment. Tonight, Bryan Hong is sleeping in Mary's bed. Yup, that's right. And it's really amazing how that came to be too. Mary moved out and gave me her bed. And now it's in my room and I'm sleeping in it tonight. Isn't that just amazing? Ha ha, tricked ya!
Today has got to be one of my most productive weekend days in recent memory. Mary is pretty much gone. There is still some of her stuff here, but she is more or less officially out of here. She left this morning. Cami and I spent the rest of the morning dismantling her fort in the dining room and moving her stuff into her new room. Yes, she finally has her own room, with walls and a door. I'll let her express her delight herself on her site though, since I'm pretty sure she'll say something about it.
Before 1pm today, Cami and I moved Mary's bed into my room, moved my futon into the living room, moved the rest of mary's leftover furniture out into the living room, moved cami's fort into her new room, including bed, computer, dresser and that big brown shelf thingy, moved the cable modem and the hub into the closet next to cami's room, re-routed all the network cables, burned a CD for Lawrence, made a little casino out of mary's old furniture in the space formerly occupied by the fort, and did 4 loads of laundry total. Is that amazing for before 1pm on a sunday or what?
Then we went out for lunch, and went to Home Depot and Target to buy some stuff, like some lighting, a splitter (so cami can watch cable TV in her room split from the cable modem line), and some other miscellaneous stuff. When we came back, I cleaned the shower (and created some toxic fumes that took about 8 hours to dissipate), while Cami settled into her new room. Then Cami went out in search of a halogen lamp (which she never found), during which time, Lawrence came over. We had dinner, played some video games, and copied an audio CD to MiniDisc. Then he left and Cami and I rearranged the living room, moving the TV, and all the furniture around. Yes, I would say we accomplished quite a lot, for a lazy Sunday.
And yeah. So that was today.
Tuesday, 5 December
ryan Hong is very pleased to announce that this update is being made from
the comfort of his own bed. Yup. I just got me a notebook computer. And it
totally kicks ass, and I got it for totally, totally cheap. This
thing is as good as my desktop computer, except my desktop has 40gigs in
it, this thing only has 12 and this thing is about 50 mhz short. But hey,
who is to complain about that? So yes. Toys.
Wednesday, 6 December
amn right I'm a nerd. But not a geek. But sometimes I can get pretty geeky. Especially when I buy new toys. Like here is me, on two computers at the same time, with two AIMs and two ICQ's running at the same time. That's pretty geeky. But hey, I was testing things out. As
you may or may not know, since I upgraded my computer to Windows 2000, I have not been able to use my digital camera because it is so crappy that the manufacturer has no plans of ever releasing a Win2k driver for it.
Fortunately for me, when I set up this notebook computer, I had the opportunity to set up a dual-boot system, so I could run Win2k most of the time because it's so great and never crashes, but also run Windows ME when I want to, so that I can use stuff like my POS digital camera that doesn't run under Windows 2000. So this is like, the first picture from my digital camera that I have posted up in a long, long time. I can now also use AOL. Becuase sometimes I need to or want to, as crappy as AOL. AOL does not run under Windows 2000. How can a company like AOL not support Win2k? Maybe because they figure anyone using Win2k would be too smart for AOL? Or something? I don't know.
So now that this is all set up, you may be seeing updates from on the road in SLO -- how geeky is that? But you know, that would be just a training exercise for the real project: Vegas updates from Vegas. I heard that Treasure Island has some rooms with ethernet connections. I wonder if it's just straight up free and unlimited? If so... heck, I could even try to do a live webcam type thing from there. Now that would be super geeky. And if it was unlimited, well then at least I wouldn't have to pay for the local call to the dial-up place!
Other than that, I have nothing much to report, there is not a whole lot going on around here now.
Thursday, 7 December
12:40am (friday morning)
his is so wack. Here I was with this grandiose plan to have this really cool update, made from on the road (even though I'm at Cami's place, it's still "on the road" in a way. Anyway, I have both Windows 2000 and WindowsME installed on this machine because I knew for sure that AOL does not run on Win2k. What I didnt' know is that AOL 5.0 does not run on WindowsME either.
I also have some Earthlink access, but last night as I was setting up my dial-up networking settings collecting earthlink access numbers, I neglected to get myself some access numbers for Camarillo. So I used the Chan's computer and thier NetZero account to go to Earthlink's website to get some access numbers, but the number searching system is down. So here I am, typing on my computer with no internet access. Supposedly I can install AOL 6.0 and it will work fine on WinME, according to the Microsoft website, so if they happen to have a free CD laying around the house, I may try that, otherwise, I will just hope that the Earthlink number search thingy is working tomorrow. And this time, I will just save the entire list for California on my computer so I will have the numbers wherever I go.
Anyway. Enough ranting about that. Here I am at Cami's home-home. It's been quite a while since I've been back here. Maybe even two years? Or something like that. Anyway, it has been quite a while. But when I walked in, I felt like I was coming home after being away after a long time. I'm sleeping tonight in the living room, right under the Christmas tree. It smells so good. It has been some years since my familiy last got a Christmas tree.
The drive up here was pretty uneventful.
Cami is on the sofa across the living room from me. She is lying awake, thinking. She says she has been really stressed out lately. Sometimes I just wanna say in that South Park Saddam Hussein voice "relax, guy!"
On the other hand, I think I'm just a little bit too good at being able to just not care and just say "so what?" and forget everything. Which is bad, because that's how my bills stay unpaid even though I have money. Stress is bad. But maybe I go the other way just a little too strongly.
Anyway, I am going to go to sleep now and lie in the dark and enjoy the real pine scent that comes from a real pine tree and not from a can.
Trista just walked in the door and she's smiling and beautiful. She's talking with Cami, dicussing plans for this weekend or something.
Trista and Cami are involved in a deep conversation about some soap opera, catching up on all the gossip. If you just walked in the room, you might think that they were talking about real people, if it weren't for the ridiculous situations they are describing. Girls are weird. Hmmm. I wonder if there is some way to make my life as exciting as a soap opera with people getting stuck in caves and stuff, without all the emotional drama with people dying and cheating on each other all the time. Hmmm.
And I wonder if I started making up a bunch of stuff to put into my journal, like writing a soap opera, if people would sit around at 1:15 in the morning when everyone else in the whole house was asleep, discussing every detail about what is going on in my life, and speculating on what the motivations behind the actions of the people in my update are. That would be cool. And probably a lot more exciting than reading about me being on the computer while Cami and Trista are talking about this soap opera.
Cami even reads the website for this thing so she can keep up with everything that is going on.
It was the mailman.
I don't know how they remember all these names.
Friday, 8 December
ell I got the thing with the numbers all squared away. This morning, Cami, Trista and I went out to breakfast at IHOP and then went shopping at the outlet mall in Camarillo. Then to some
mall that I don't know the name of. And then we dropped Trista off and started off toward SLO. We took a little detour to the Chumash casino where I picked up a few extra dollars. That was nice and convenient :)
We got to Leanne's place around 5:15pm, and her parents bought us an incredible dinner at the steakhouse at the Madonna Inn, which has an amazing men's bathroom where you piss into a trough with a big rocky waterfall thing pouring into it. It's a very elaborate system with infra-red sensors and everything. We got a post card with a picture of it, I'll post it up when we get back home and I have access to my scanner.
After dinner, we all came back to Leanne's place and played Pictionary with three teams. It was Leanne's Parents, vs. Cami and Myself, vs. Leanne and her dude, Will. Cami and I were far in the lead, one space from the finish line when scandal erupted. Leanne misled her parents into believing that the current round (which cami and I would have won) was not an "all play" round. So we did a do-over and lost. Which actually led to Leanne and Will having a great run and actually winning the game. At first Cami was just like "it's ok, look how far we are ahead" but somehow I knew that they would catch up. Oh well.
Anyway. It's time for bed. Everyone is in bed and I'm the only one geeking awake on the computer.
Saturday, 9 December
ctually, this update is being written on Sunday, but hey, who cares. It's about Saturday. And even though Sunday is supposed to be in next week's update, I'm gonna write about it on this one because in this case, it makes more sense. So. Saturdayl. We woke up. We went out and checked out SLO. It was pretty cool. It's a very slow, sleepy town. Just my sort of pace :) But I wouldn't want to live there, becuase there isn't a whole lot around it though. San Diego is a good balance, being a big city (with all of the conveniences and advantages of one... as well as the disadvantages), but with a slow pace (for such a big city).
We looked in a bunch of shops and stuff. They were pretty cool, there are a lot of mom and pop type shops down there, it's nice. We did a lot of browsing and windowshopping. We also passed by the San Luis Obispo Mission. I guess I can add that to the list of California Missions that I've been to. I haven't been deliberatly trying to go to a lot or anything, but I've been to at least 3 or 4 in my lifetime.
Before that though, we had breakfast at this Creole place, it was pretty good. They made me try the SLO Jerk hot sauce. It's very hot. I put a drop on my food. Will mentioned that the amount I put for a little taste is like, more than how much his friend puts in a whole pile of food. Hmmm. So I try the little taste... the spiciness did not hit until about 30 seconds later, when it started coming in a long, slow swell. It wasn't quite unbearable, but it was quite hot. And it would not go away. Well, it
would temporarily go away if I put some water in my mouth, but if my mouth was empty, then it
would come back in a much quicker, but definitely noticible, swell. That tiny drop lasted about 15 minutes. That's pretty potent stuff.
The graduation ceremony was pretty cool. It was pretty short. That's why it was pretty cool hehe. Some ceremonies can drag on and on. One nice thing was that it was indoors. I guess in the summer it gets pretty hot in there but
it was kind of chilly outside that day, so it was good to be inside. After Leanne's graduation, we went to a Japanese restaurant, where once again, her parents treated us all out. Thank you once again for doing that for us! The food was great. Yup.
Then we hit a pub, which was pretty cool. It had a band that wasn't playing exceedingly loud. They were OK, but it was obvious that the bass player didn't really belong with them. Not only in a stylistic sense, but it was clear that he had far more ability than any of those other guys. The band was reminiscient of Blues Traveler, but you can tell here and there that the bass player really wanted to be playing for Red Hot Chili Peppers or something like that. He was just way too funky and hardcore for those wussy guys he was with.
After that, we went and rented Fight Club, which I had never seen before, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Then we went to sleep. We woke up. And we started driving back. We stopped by for some ice cream with Trista, and then stopped by Zac's place for a few minutes. And now we are at home. Home sweet, sweet home. And you know, I know I took more pictures, but when I looked on my camera, there were some that were definitely missing. Like I know I took this one right before graduation with Willy and Leanne in it but when I went to download them off my camera, they were gone. So wack. Probably about 3 or 4 missing pictures in all. Anyway. I guess this concludes my first attempt at doing some sort of update while on a trip. I hope you enjoyed it.