Sunday, 10 December 2000
And to show that I am not completely selfish, just think about how it could help the needy too. I mean, let's say you're a person who is smart enough to get a college degree, but due to some circumstances, you aren't really able to go to college. Like, you were dumb and had a kid when you were 15 years old. It's pretty damn hard to try to keep a family going and go to school at the same time. But if you could just get a G.E.D. type thing... hmmm The thing is... how would you specialize for certain fields? I mean, you'd have a bachellors, but in what? I guess there could be specialized tests for different fields, especially some of the more popular mainstream ones like Biology and English and stuff like that. What a great idea. After dinner, we went to Target. Target is so great. It's so fun to just wander around Target and look at all the stuff. We did the best kind of shopping there is... I like to call it "let's look around and see if we can find anything we need" shopping. I've been meaning to get a wall clock for a couple of years now. My bed is rather far away from my stereo, which I use for my alarm clock. I have very good eyesight, and normally, I can read the clock on my stereo from in bed. But right when I wake up, especially if I hadn't slept for very long, my eyes are very foggy and I cannot read what the clock says. For instance, one weekend morning, when I actually had the alarm off, I woke up, with foggy eyes. I looked at the clock, and I could have sworn that it was after 10am. But since it was a weekend and I had nothing to do, I decided to just go back to sleep. Some time later, Cami came in to use the bathroom (this was before Mary moved out) and I woke up. I asked her what time it was, thinking that it must be much later than 10am, since that is the time I saw before I went back to sleep. As it turns out, it was only around 9am or so! So when I saw this clock at Target, I just had to get it. It's a little less than a foot square, and the outside part is made of thick fuzzy felt, that feels like the kind of thing you'd cover a car stero speaker box in, except it's about a quarter of an inch thick. It's pretty damn cool, if you ask me. And I can read it from across the room. It's perfect. I also bought a present for my Sister. One Christmas present down... and seemingly 5,000,000 more to go. We actually went to Target to get a small, potted Christmas tree. We didn't think it would be worth it to get a full-size one since we don't really have many ornaments here right now, and we'd be getting rid of it in a couple of weeks anyway. So a small one would be good enough. But the gardening center was already closed when we got there. Oh well. But our apartment is definitely lacking in the holiday spirit department right now. I scanned that pic of that bathroom from the Madonna Inn that I talked about in last week's update. Click on it to see a bigger view. Imagine that the center of that rock face is just constantly trickling with water into that space between the two rock partitions. When the infrared sensor senses that you are standing there peeing, the trickle down the face of the rocks more resembles a waterfall. It's pretty... I don't know... more than anyone needs? Or something, I don't know. Thanks to Leanne's dad for buying us that postcard, by the way :) For any of you keeping count, this is the second update in one day :) Monday, 11 December 2000
12:45am (tuesday morning)
Tuesday, 12 December 2000
12:30am (wednesday morning)
So. I was talking to Lan trying to think of ways I can meet a chick... except, I don't really like clubbing, everyone at work is old, and, yeah. She suggested that I try cleaning my room, for all the potential chicks that might come in. Hmmm. I don't really see what that would do, since Cami and I rarely have any visitors that might wander into my disaster area of a room. But Lan suggests that it may change my whole mindset or something. Well, I didn't really feel like cleaning my room, but I ended up doing it anyway out of boredom and procrastination from making another Hall of Shame for the riceboypage. Anyway, I took this picture of my room and when I looked at it, I was shocked. I mean, I knew my room was pretty messy, but in my
Well that was something of a revalation to me. Anyway, if you look on the right of the picture, you see a pile of boxes with Queen Amidala on top. Most of those boxes weren't mine, and the ones that I did own, mostly were empty. I was saving them because I thought when I moved in here that I was gonna be moving out really soon, but that's not how things really worked out. Anyway, all those boxes are out of the corner now, and I think that I ended up reclaiming about 20 square feet of floorspace that were previously unusable. Now that whole side of the room looks really empty, but at least it looks a whole lot cleaner. I didn't do a fully thorough job of organizing everything, and my room is probably still messy by most people's standards, but hey, just look at what I started with. And what I have now is a great, great improvement. Whether or not this has changed my mindset and will lure any chicks into my room is yet to be seen, but at least I can see my carpet. So. Today Cami got two more things bought for her from her Amazon wishlist. Man. I'll say it again... how great it must be to be a girl on the Internet. I wonder why her arm looks so weird in that picture? Like she
I did learn one thing today while playing with my new camera -- I never want to see an image of my face that is over 1500 pixels tall ever again. Especially on a 19" monitor like the one I have at work. Man, that was scary. I could see every tiny blemish on my face that I never knew I had, and the ones that I did know about, looked absolutely gargantuan. My skin looked so gross. Now when you shrink it down to like how it is here, all those miniscule, invisible blemishes go away, and no one can see them. Even at 640x480, no one can see them. But damn, at 2000x1500+ ... look out! Man. I was wishing I had some makeup or something. And I can't even begin to imagine what my face would look like on a billboard!! And what really scares me is that there are people (especially females) who have mirrors that actually magnify stuff, like the one I looked into when we stayed at the Mirage in Vegas. Now why would you do that? It makes your skin look horrible, and it makes you stress all about blemishes that no one can actually see. Spend the time and the stress on something else! Wednesday, 13 December 2000
12:45am (thursday morning)
(click to see the answer!) Did you get it right? You've probably never seen that in Highlights. So. Hmmm. Yeah. So I'm still not feeling very profound. Maybe I should send Cyn something from her wishlist with some ulterior motives. Then her little thing about not receiving stuff from guys with ulterior motives would be all wrong. And I would be right. Yeah. Thursday, 14 December 2000
I never used the thing before, but Cami showed me how last night. So I set the thing to the first "O" in "comfort" and went to bed. Around 5am I woke up because it was so freaking hot in my room. It must have been over 90 degrees in there. Maybe the wall sensor doesn't detect temperature well or something. I dunno. I'll try it again tonight and set it even lower and see if the same thing happens again. I hope I don't wake up at 5am again though. That sucked. 1:30am (friday morning)
Friday, 15 December 2000
1:30am (saturday morning)
Before I picked Helen up from the airport, I stopped by my company's Christmas party for a little while. One of the founders of my company is a recently retired women's doubles tennis player. She has won two gold medals, and who knows how many other tournaments. Anyway. The reason why I bring this up is becuase the party was at her place and I actually got to see one of those Wimbledon championship dish thingies. It was a crystal one for women's doubles champion from this year or something. While I was at work today, my Princess Bride DVD from my Amazon wish list arrived. I was kind of hoping it would be from a hot chick, or even Natalie Portman telling me about what a great fan she is of me and how she wants to run away with me. But alas, it was from one Tony Yang. Now I don't know Tony, and no one I know has even heard of Tony. But Tony, thank you very much for the DVD, it's one of my favorite movies, and I appreciate the fact that you even went so far as to order the gift wrapping, for a total stranger. You really made my day, and I actually watched the DVD at work right after I got it. Of course, it would also be great if I could hear back from you sometime and find out some more about you. Here's a little anecdote about something that happened at lunch today. I posted it on the riceboypage message board, so I will just quote it here: So I was at this shopping center type thing where there were a bunch of annoying, obnoxious jr. high kids (in a rich neighborhood) acting extremely obnoxious. I was just thinking how I would like to just kick some of their asses for the fun of it just for being so damn annoying...It truly was a thing of beauty. Those dumb kids thought they were invincible and could get away with anything and they thought they were so cool. They were just swarming around the place. Of course, I acted like that too when I was that age, and someone should have bitchslapped me too. Anyways. I think that's about all I have to talk about right now. I still haven't broken the streak for this week yet. Tomorrow might be tough, I'll probably be way to tired when I get back home to do an update, but at least there will be lots of pictures! Saturday, 16 December 2000
2:40am (sunday morning)