Wednesday, 28 December 2000
2:20am (thursday morning)
orry about the dearth of updates, however, it has been a busy time for me. Plus, while I was on the road I took so many pictures, I wasn't exactly sure what to do with all of them. Rather than face the possibility of overrunning my regular web server's available space, due to the
Yes, this is what weather is like on December 27th in San Diego |
volume of pictures I have been taking lately, I have decided to host them at home, which as you know, is not very reliable, and as you may know if you have been checking out my other pics, the server is usually down from 1am-9am, aka, while I am in bed.
Plus, I discovered that photoshop 6 came with a nifty photo-album making function, which automatically puts out web pages with thumbnail images, which is perfect for my lazy ass, and once again, the volume with which I have been taking photos. So. You can find these photos as i put them up at, whenever the server is up, that is. They are sorted by date with some clue in the directory names as to what is inside.
The Christmas holiday was great, I had a great time hanging out with all the family people, plus going to Disneyland twice (primarily to take pictures) when I didn't have anything to do with them. I got lots of clothes for gifts which is good because I really don't like shopping for clothes much, and my family is fairly fashionable and buy me good stuff.
Yesterday I saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and I think it really was a great film, because not only was the martial arts work phenomenal, the movie actually had a decent plot that in many ways could stand on its own. Much more deep than the typical martial arts movie plot. I highly recommend it. Lawrence has seen it 3 times just this week, that's how good it is.
Today, well, I did a lot. Laundry, paid bills... went with Cami to get her oil changed at Walmart (while shopping there too), then we went out to Balboa Park because man, today was just waaaaay to nice to be hanging around inside. Temperatures in the low 70's, the sun was out, the sky was clear, it was just beautiful. Sure, the weather was nice in LA too, but man, the smog was bad this weekend. You would look up and see a tiny circle of blue surrounded by gray and then brown as you get closer to the horizon. But the sky here in San Diego today was just so clear and blue. Beautiful, beautiful day. Man I love living down here.
I have a date with a girl I met on an online personal ads thing. I have met over 100 people online in my lifetime, but this is the first time I'm meeting someone from a personal ad. But I'm getting kind of worried now. We seemed to hit it off pretty well online, but on the phone today, I'm not so sure. Plus, this girl, at least right now, seems like she could be either very demanding, high maintanance, or at least, just really really knows what she wants in a guy. I don't want to judge her before I even meet her, but when I asked her if she had met anyone else through this website, she said that she had met around 20 guys since October... and not a one did she want to go on a second date with. Hmmmm. I asked her if they were all freaks or something, and she said no, that they were mostly just regular guys. But like I said, I don't want to judge anything too early... but I have to admit, I am a bit more nervous now, having talked to her on the phone than I was last night before that happened.
One good thing though, is she will be the first person in a very long time that I have met online that does not know about my website, or my other website. So she has no predetermined ideas about who I am, she only knows what I have shown her. She doesn't even know my real email address as we have been corresponding only by the service's messaging system (and now by phone). It's sort of refreshing in a way, as pretty much everyone I've met online since, oh, 1996 or so knew about my website before I knew about them. Plus, some of the girls I have met as a result of RBP, especially, were actually kind of star struck in a way, and couldn't believe that it was really me or that I was really there, or whatever. That's no good way to start a really good relationship. Besides, then they find out that you really are not as great as they thought you were, or at least, are much different than the person they envisioned you to be, and then...
By the way, those are my two big sticks in the living room that could provide an efficient beating. They are actually the sticks I used for my light saber video.
Anyway, I better get to sleep, it's actually going to be a day-date, as I have no work this week (yippeee!). And no, I am not going to bring my camera.