Sunday, 31 December 2000
es. Just how I pictured I'd be ringing in the real new millenium... and no, I don't mean sitting in front of my computer typing in this update. For those of you with sensitive stomachs, the rest of this paragraph is going to be a T.M.I. type thing, so you might just want to skip to the next paragraph. Anyway. I was supposed to go to LA on Saturday, but I didn't because when I woke up I had a mean case of diarrhea. I thought, fine, but it kept getting worse, and I felt really crappy. So I decided to not drive up on Saturday.
Well, now, it is Sunday night, and my condition that I mentioned in the previous paragraph has not improved, despite my best efforts to take care of it with over-the-counter drugs, and doing all of the things that you're supposed to do to help it now. Well not only is that condition not going away, but I've found myself now with a fever. At least, I think I have one, but I cannot really confirm it as I do not have a thermometer or anything. But I know that a couple of hours ago I was feeling really cold and now I am feeling hot as hell and I'm sweating like a pig. Yes, this is the way I wanted it all to go.
I didn't even get to say bye to Cami before she left for home. I told her to wake me up before she go-goes, and apparently she tried and I didn't wake up so she just took off but left a note for me telling me about this. That was before I really knew the seriousness of my condition.
So I spent the day on the computer and watching TV because there was really no one around. But. Bleeeeeeeeech. Anyway, I hope that this will not be indicative of how the rest of this year is going to go.
That's also what I said last year, when right at the beginning of the new year, my computer's hard drive crashed, and 2000 ended up being probably the best year of my life. I mean, so many doors were opened, so many opportunities presented themselves, and I got to do lots of cool stuff too.
I finally got myself out of school and into the working world, and I'm enjoying it so much. I got that partnership with Overboost, taking part-ownership in the riceboypage. I went to Vegas a lot and had lots of fun. I got to move in with Cami and Mary. I drove to a place I'd never been to before. I hung out at the MTV Beach House and was on TRL for like a week straight. I made a light saber video (which I heard was a major factor in helping me get my current job...) -- I went on a date with a person from a personal ad. Hell, I went on a date. The last like 4 years of my life I have not even been interested in dating anyone at all because, well, I was broken. I mean, I didn't even see the point of starting a relationship if it was just going to end up in ruin anyway. So going out on any date at all is like a huge step for me. Yes, I discovered many things about myself and the people around me, and I had a ton of fun, and I even made a ton of money, and bought all kinds of cool toys for myself. And the best part is, most of the doors that were opened for me were opened by the things I did for fun. So all you people out there going to school for no other reason than because you heard you could make more money, good for you, have fun doing something you don't like for the rest of your life so you can make more money :)
So yes. Having the year start off with a bad thing isn't so bad after all, if last year is any sort of indication for me. So happy new year everybody, and I hope all of your new year's eve celebrations went better than mine. I'm sure it must have. It doesn't get much worse than sweating like a pig from a fever while sitting on a toilet at the same time. Ooops, sorry, TMI.
Tuesday, 2 January 2001
ooha! A couple more things from my wishlist were delivered to me at my office. Actually, they have been probably sitting at the post office for a while, but the office was closed. I got the Star Trek Phasor keychain, and also Blue Train by John Coltrane. Thank you, those of you who sent me, you know who you are :) It was like Christmas all over again in the office. So the only mystery left is... who sent me the Sting CD? By the way, some people have mentioned that they can't believe that I don't own that CD already. Actually, I got it when it first came out, and it's one of my favorites, but then I gave it to someone and haven't gotten it back. So that's the story behind that. So whoever got that for me, thank you too!
So last night Cami and I spent some time to clear out the refrigerator. Geez. Three full trashbags full of stuff. It looked and smelled beautiful. Some vegetables had liquified. And I don't know how many different containers of cream cheese or cream cheese products there were in there, but none of them were mine. I think there was a lot of Mary's stuff in there though. Anyway, the fridge looks pretty empty now, but at least there is nothing hiding in the back that will grow into something strange. Cami says that now it looks so empty, like a pathetic bachelor's refrigerator. That's ok though. Because there's only two of us. We don't eat enough to go through a full refrigerator's worth of food before stuff starts going bad anyway.
1:00am (wednesday morning)
Kevin came over for dinner tonight. Cami always refers to him as "Kevin, you know, my friend Kevin". My Friend Kevin. Like that balding midget thing that hangs out with Mephisto on South Park that he calls "My friend Kevin". They played this rock game from Africa that I don't know the name of that Cami and Helen used to play all the time while procrastinating from studying for finals. On the right is a picture of them playing this game. I didn't play because my head was kind of too foggy, but I did take this picture. If you want to see a bigger version of it, you can check out my soon to be gigantic photo archive.
I'm feeling a lot better today. But I think in my weakened state, I caught what Cami just had. My throat is tickly and I am coughing. But at least my head isn't all cloudy and pounded like it was this weekend. I mean, at least I can function like this, even if I'm not 100%. I couldn't function at all this weekend!!
Wednesday, 3 January 2001
12:50am (thursday morning)
hree days into the new millenium. Three days of me being sick. But I insist that I'm still getting better. Well, I can definitively say that I do not have that magical "this is gonna be a good year" feeling like I did at the beginning of last year. That doesn't mean that this is going to be a bad year, or that it's not going to be a good year or even a great year. It just means that it's not going to be one of those inspired from the get-go and everything just falls right into place without me even trying kind of years.
Yes, 2000 was the year that was inspired from the get-go and everything just fell right into place without me even trying. Perhaps 2000 was the year to get me out of an emotional rut that I had been stuck in for a while. And perhaps 2001 will now be the year where I finally have some initiative to, well... initiate things. Go out and get what I want so that I can get even greater things than the things that I was so lucky to just have fall into my lap in 2000. Certainly, there was no way that I would have any chance of having any of this sort of initiative at all in 1999, precisely because of that emotional rut. So maybe 2000 was the year that would encourage me and give me some confidence, some power, and some elbow room, paving the way for 2001 to be the year for me to really run out and truly achieve some great achievement.
The last few days, despite being weak physically, I really have been feeling this sort of energy that makes me want to just go out and actively seek out the things that I want and to take control of my life. And I feel that I now have the confidence to get those things. I'm ready to take over the world. For reals. But first I have to get over this cough, hehe.
So I guess the big news right now is the big fire here in San Diego County. Out in the east. About 40 miles from where I live. At least on the roads, it's probably closer than that if you go in a straight line. There was so much smoke that the entire day the sun was filtered through smoke. And it was kind of strange. The color of the sunlight today had a warm cast to it. Driving to work this morning, the quality of light was very much like sunset... which was kind of strange to me since it was really the morning. The entire day was like sunset. It was like being in a time warp. The sky looked like it was half covered in clouds, when really, there were no actual clouds anywhere. Only the giant cloud of smoke. Anyway. I took some pictures of it, which you can find in my giant repository of photos, which is linked in yesterday's update.
And if you are reading this in the late night/early morning hours, yes, the server is down during those times :) Anyway, those are my thoughts for the day.
Thursday, 4 January 2001
till sick. Sicker, actually. I left work early today. When I got there in the morning, I was feeling pretty good, but as they day progressed, I got progressively worse and worse. I will probably go to sleep soon. I want to beat this thing, and I want to beat it now. Argh.
Cuz where my head was clear and I was able to function before... well now my head is all stuffed up and ready to explode. I can hardly read because I can't really concentrate.
The fire. Still going on. There is this satellite image of what all the smoke looks like from space. There's a lot of smoke. Thing is, the wind is turning the other way now (blowing back on shore, the way it usually goes) so all that smoke is coming back toward us. I think the ash in the air is only aggravating my condition more and yeah. Anyway. I don't want to write a whole update about me bitching about being sick, but it seems like that is what happened. And oh yeah, I put up the first new Hall of Shame of the new millenium on the riceboy page. So check it out and junk.
I sure am getting a hell of an ab workout coughing so much though. I'm gonna have some rock hard abs baby. Screw ab-flex and all those other things.