Wednesday, 24 January 2001
es, it has been some time since I have updated this thing. So yeah. I'm updating it. That's one of my boss' dogs. Her name is Minnie. When you own your own company, you can bring your dogs in. And let them run around everywhere. And let them poop in your web designer's corner. Well they don't usually poop in here, but that's what they did yesterday. One of 'em. I don't know which one. She has a friend named Mickey though. They look exactly the same.
The rest of this paragraph is a repost of a post I made saturday, on the message board: Oh boy. We have a dorky monkey boy for president now. For reals. Not that I am particularly against his politics or anything like that. It's just that he looks and acts like a big dork. I'm not worried about the policy changes he will or won't be making in the next 4 years, I'm worried about having to see his face and listen to his voice on the news every day.
People are freaking out about the sweeping changes he is already proposing in his first few days in office. I don't know what to make of it, but I do know that he can't really do anything too crazy. But some people are really freaking out. Then again, a lot of people really freaked out when Clinton first took office. There were those rednecks driving around with bumper stickers on their trucks that said \
"Clinton" with the "C" being the shape of a hammer and sickle. And "Impeach Clinton" stickers. Not that I particularly support Clinton or any of his policies either. I just think he is a
cool guy, and I'd much rather listen to him make a speech than GWB. Plus he's smooth. GWB is not smooth. Then again, Clinton's smoothness is what got him the name "Slick Willy" and is what some people don't like about him.
That's my internet cyber superstar roommate, Cami. She looks so beautiful with that nasal inhaler stuffed up her nose. She hasn't updated much recently either. She has been too busy running around with her new dude, who she has thus far, refused to reveal to you all. Well here is your chance. If you look really carefully at the medicine cabinet mirror, you can see his tiny reflection. So now you all can see what he looks like hehe.
I didn't have any special plans to check out The Big Game or whatever those other companies who do not have the rights to use the word "Super Bowl" in their advertising say. But after reading about the matrix-style replays they are planning on having... I might just check it out. There haven't been any blackouts going on just yet down here in San Diego, but some people think that with everyone turning their TV's on for the game, it might just be enough to put us over the edge.
And cyn, while this guy may be a really interesting subject, I don't think that he could even hold a candle to this girl, who continues to amaze me day after day with her heart-wrenching and deep conflict with her mother, with such compelling commentary like "i hate her, i hate her, i hate her". And don't forget such complex issues such as wondering if everyone will "freak out" if you move in with your sig-other; and how to deal with those situations. It just makes my life seem so trite and inadequate. I'm such a big meanie.
As long as I am being mean, I might as well do some more of it. If you want to see some of the worst-designed personal pages ever, go to altavista and do a search for "i am a web designer" with the quotes. Once you have sifted through the broken link and message board messages, you will find some true gems. It's sad really. Some people put something up on the web and suddenly they think they are web designers.
I'm not trying to say that only "true" web designers should be putting stuff on the web. I'm not even that good myself, and all the interesting stuff out there comes from people who aren't really web designers anyway. And hardcore designers often have totally cool designs, but no real concept to look at, and you know what? With no content, no one is ever going to come back to your website anyway, no matter how cool it was. Except for other designers, people generally don't foward links saying "hey look at this website, it's design is so cool" -- most of the time people are sending links around because of the enjoyable content. And people come back to see more of that content... not more of the design.
What I am trying to say, however, is that just because you have a web page doesn't mean you get to suddenly call yourself a "web designer", even if you did design your website. I mean, just because I write a term paper for a professor doesn't make me a "writer", just as being able to change my own oil doesn't make me a car mechanic. Even though I can cut my own hair, you certainly don't want me touching yours!
And then there's those resumes that people send in looking for a job here. Some of them actually say "I am a talented web designer" and yet, there isn't a single URL to be seen anywhere. I hate to break it to all you aspiring web designers out there, but we're not going to assume that you are a talented web designer just because you say so. If you really are a talented web designer, we'd be able to see your talent by just checking out your designs, and they will speak for themselves. You wouldn't need to tell us that you are talented. And if you send in a resume for a web design job, you better have at least one URL on there or else it's just going straight to the circular file! Yes, even before we check to see if you're a hot chick that we want working with us, we'll be looking for your website. For reals, yo.
1:40am (thursday morning)
Ok, enough being mean. So. Every couple of years or months, I rediscover an old favorite Sting album. This week, it's The Soul Cages. It was released in 1991, shortly after Sting's father's death. It's kinda depressing, and very emotional, and each track is like... a stick reaching into my soul and stirring it up. Especially (in the order they appear on the album) -- Island Of Souls; All This Time; Mad About You; Why Should I Cry For You; The Wild Wild Sea and When The Angels Fall.
Of course, I just named almost all the songs on the album. But that's what I'm saying... each song is so great! And I highly recommend The Wild Wild Sea and When The Angels Fall for listening to when you are just drifting off to sleep. Oh yeah.
Friday, 26 January 2001
e went down to UTC to get lunch yesterday, and while we were there, I decided I wanted to stop by Ritz Camera. As it turns out, they were having a buy two get one free sale on Quantaray filters. So I got some. I got a "Skylight" filter (sorta like a UV filter, but different), a circular polarizer, and then a cheesy star effect thingy. Which I'm sure I can use in some creative ways, but I'm also sure that it will most likely just get used for really cheesy stuff, like this picture of me in front of christmas lights that I took while I was talking on the phone with Cindy from the bay area. It's very... The Price Is Right-y.
Payday. Yay payday.
Saturday, 27 January 2001
2:30am, sunday morning
hree words: Hot Import Nights. The gigantor import car show that draws some 20,000 spectators. Put on by Vision Entertainment which is somehow related to, which part-owns, along with me. So that is how I get to go to HIN for free, thanks to overboost. It's also how I got to go to the "industry will-call" ticket booth instead of waiting in that line that wrapped around this one building into another tent. Probably over an hour of waiting in the cold that I avoided!!
So showed up with Cami, Jeff, and Dave, a.k.a. MrCynical on the riceboypage message board. None of them had ever been to an event like this before, and well, it was pretty much a mind-blowing experience for all of them. Customized cars and skanky ho's galore. Wandering around thousands of people who probably know who I am, and yet, don't know that I'm standing right next to them. Cars, cars and cars. People people and people. Some totally hideous cars, some cars with amazing custom body work, and some cars that were extremely creative.
Lots of cars there were showing off video screens hooked up to DVD players, Playstations and Playstation 2. Blah blah blah. The one that
I really liked was the car with the original Nintendo Entertainment System with the light blaster, and the Gyromite robot ("ROB"), with Super Mario Brothers on the screen. Way
cooler than those other guys who were just showing off. I mean, there was one guy that just had a PS2 sitting inside the car, it didn't even appear to be hooked up to anything. Just wanted to show off the fact that he actually had one of those things.
Of course, my camera was there, with a full complement of filters and lenses and junk. I only ended up taking about 44 pictures, only 22 of which I actually wanted to save, with only 2 that have car show hoochies in them. A far cry from this one guy I know with some 80+ pictures, about 9 of which have cars in them. Rest are all hoochies. You can see all the pictures I took in my huge digital camera picture repository that is not open 24 hours a day by clicking HERE.
So. Guess who I am going to meet tomorrow. Seriously, guess. see next week's update for the answer :)