Sunday, 4 February 2001
1:15am, monday morning
he weather today was just downright amazing. Must have been around 80 degrees, warm sun out. Seemed like the middle of summer, not some day in February. I spent most of the day driving around San Diego with Leanne with the windows down, with no real destination to speak of. I actually originally set out to go out on some impulse buying spree. I was determined to spend at least $300. But nothing caught my eye enough, and I ended up only spending $2.57 including tax on a 9 volt battery from Radio Shack.
But man, was the drive great. Driving down by La Jolla Shores we had the warmth of the sun combined with the cool ocean breeze going on. Yeah. We also hit downtown and didn't stop anywhere there or anything. Except to take this picture. while standing in the middle of the street. And believe me, way in the back is the ocean. With sail boats sailing by. You can see them on the big version which isn't here. I entertained the thought of going into Fry's, but when I saw how packed the parking lot was from the freeway... and what the cars looked like on the offramp, I decided against that. Anyway. Man. I can't go on enough about how awesome the weather was today. For all of you people still stuck in the snow... I don't know what to say to you, except that San Diego has some pretty kickass weather. Even in early February.
Besides having a failed shopping spree and seeing most of the city today, I also asked the Magic 8 Ball some very important questions. Quite a few questions, actually. But I must be one tough person to predicted the future for
because I'd say at least a good 30% of the time, the little triangle inside the window actually ended up with one of the edges pointing up. Once, I even got one of the POINTS of the pyramid. And probably at least 50% of the answers were of the "ask me later" type.
But are these things really accurate? Or do they just give answer that is true to the best of their knowledge? Or are the totally clueless and just teasing you with answers? These are important issues that must be resolved! Anyway. I think I'll cap off this lazy, relaxing Sunday with about an hour more of sleep than I usually get. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and stuff. Yeah.
Tuesday, 6 February 2001
oved into a new office yesterday. We're still kinda getting settled in right now. The new space that I'm in is smaller than before, but it has a window, so that makes it all worth it. So now I can see outside! The thing that I'm kinda sad about right now though is that there is no more room for the ping pong table. What ever will I do now? Anyway, on the right here is the view out of my new window. My digital fortune cookie for today came in and said: The next few days should be relatively good, and you'll have a lot of energy. That sounds pretty good to me! Man. I'm so hungry. But it's a little early to be going out to lunch. Oh well.