Sunday, 25 March 2001
So I'm sitting out here on the balcony of our apartment enjoying the fabulous weather while also partaking in the luxury of a high speed internet connection at the same time. Yes, life is good. Very, very good.
This guy has driven by about five times down the street about five times blasting Dr Dre's "Keep Their Heads Ringin'". This has been going on over some time, so obviously he is listening to it on repeat.
Last night I took Trista out on a date. First we went over to Casa de Pico to eat dinner. Cami, Jeff, Leanne and her ex-roommates Marissa and Brandi were there too. The wait for food was long, but it was good. Afterwards, Trista and I drove around downtown for a while and headed over to Seaport Village for a little while, mostly to use the bathroom.
Then we went to National Comedy Theatre (formerly ComedySportz). That was fun. It's sort of like Whose Line Is It Anyway except the points actually do count, and I think ComedySportz predates the TV show anyway. I recommend it to anyone, and there are different groups doing it all over the country, so I'm sure there's one near you!
After that we headed home and ate some of the Oreo cheesecake that Leanne had made earlier. Yup.
Between Cami, Leanne, Trista and Leanne's ex-roommates who are visiting here... there are five girls staying here. That's kind of a lot of estrogen floating around.
Hmm. The nice weather ain't so nice anymore. It's all overcast and gloomy. Oh well, at least we got to go down to the Broken Yolk in PB and have a delicious breakfast before the sun ran away.
Monday, 26 March 2001
Part of being an Internet Cyber Celebrity means getting strange and weird email... and I got just such a thing today. Here it is:
From: Trista Chan Subject: You're GAY To: I saw your site at Are you some kind of PERVERT?! EVERYONE CAN TELL THAT IT'S FAKE! You've lost any chance you ever had with me. Later loser. P.S. Your restraining order is in the mail.
This message is interesting because at the time it was sent, Cami, Leanne and Trista were all at Balboa Park checking out the torture device exhibit at one of the museums down there... nowhere near any computers. Hmmm. And whoever did this went so far as to create a fake Yahoo mail account from which to send this e-mail. And we know it's someone that actually knows Trista because the email address included her middle name, which as far as I know, has not been posted on either Cami's or my websites. Actually it couldn't have been on mine, since I didn't even find out her middle name until today.
And of course everyone can tell that it's fake -- it was designed to be that way! Duh! And like she hasn't seen the page already in the last... oh 3 or 4 years since it's been up! Hahahaha.
But just when I thought things were wacky enough, we find this in Cami's guestbook:
Name: Bryan Hong E-Mail: Homepage Title: I LOVE TRISTA Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: YOU AND TRISTA CAN NEVER RUN FROM ME. I WILL FIND YOU. AND TRISTA WILL MARRY ME. I SWEAR IT ON KAMI-SAMA.
Wow, pretending
to be Trista, and then pretending to be me! And yes, Cami cannot run from me.
I know where she lives. Go out my bedroom door and turn right and it's the first
door, straight ahead. So it looks like Trista has a bit of a stalker. But that's
not surprising at all.
Anyway. That's pretty much most of the excitement for me today. I had a pretty uneventful day at work. The day started all gloomy and stuff, but then in the afternoon it turned out to be not so bad after all. Which really means very little since I got to spend all that time cooped up at work.
Please enjoy this little filmstrip to the left that depicts the sordid drama that occurs between sisters when one reaches for the box of chocolates, only to find that it has all been eaten by her sister earlier in the weekend.
Oh yeah. Everyone's talking about it. So I guess I will too. The Academy Awards. The AZNs were mad representin' at the awards show. Sure, Crouching Tiger didn't win Best Picture, but have you ever seen so many asians up on stage at such a high-profile event before? I mean, besides the people who received awards, we had a performance from Coco Lee, and also Yo Yo Ma.
I bet that we will be seeing very few Asians on stage next year, as I suspect that many people in Tennessee were probably freaked out by all the slanty-eyed folk talkin' their gibberish on stage. Two years of this in a row may be too much for most of middle America to handle. They might think that chinese people are about to get up and take over the world or something. But who knows, I could be all wrong.
Oh and speaking of Crouching Tiger... I skipped through my DVD (woohoo!) to
all the fight scenes and watched all the good stuff tonight. Wooha!
I'm gonna write you a sonnet but I don't know where to start
I'm so used to laughing at the things in my heart.
Last of all I'm sorry 'cos you never asked for this
I can see I'm not your type and my shot will always miss
Does everyone stare the way I do?
I only stare this way at you.
(The Police -- Does Everyone Stare)
Tuesday, 27 March 2001
So far, today is a pretty good day. It's beautiful outside. On my lunch break, I went to get a haircut. When I was a young college freshman and didn't know my way around San Diego at all, and had no idea where to get a haircut, a wise old senior bestowed this tidbit of information about Rocco's Hair "Design": "You get ROCKED at Rocco's". For the most part, I have found this to be true. Like the Chotchky's employee that only wears the bare minimum number of pieces of flair, I've found that most Rocco's employees seem to try to get away with doing as little work as possible. Like the last time I went there, the girl who cut my hair didn't shampoo me, even though it's included in the price. And when I asked her about shampooing my hair, she thought I was asking her to sell me a bottle of shampoo.
So why do I keep going there? It's convenient. And on my lunch break I can get in and out of there in 20 minutes, because no one else is there.
But today, I was pleasantly surprised. I actually got a decent haircut from a decent woman who did more than the bare minimum (and I didn't have to ask her to do things just to be able to get the bare minimum treatment). And my hair looks not bad. She even rinsed out my hair again to get rid of all the little hairs after she was done! Now that sort of service is unheard of at Rocco's as far as I'm concerned!
After that I headed to Panda Express. And instead of the usual non-fortune "you have a great personality and everyone loves you" fortune cookies, I actually got a real fortune in mine. "Luck will visit you on the next full moon." Sounds pretty promising! When is the next full moon anyway?
2:00am, Wednesday Morning
Welp, there is a new section opening up on my site, the Casino Diaries.
All about my crazy and wacky casino adventures. I've been working on the background
stuff for a while, but today I made the first real diary entry.
But there is increased security on that site, with a password protection system. You will have to apply via e-mail to get an account (yes, it's free, but not everyone will get in), but for the next 48 hours you will be able to get in through this LINK using the username: casinoguest password: casinoguest -- if you want your own account please apply by emailing me at with the following information:
your real name
what you want your password to be
your age
where you are from
how long you have been coming to (and any of its previous iterations)
how you found out about
your email address
your website URL if you have one
what you think of this section so far (you don't have to write an essay or anything).
Mostly all this stuff is for my own protection. I hope you guys understand! Also, like my photo repository that it shares the server with -- it's not up 24 hours a day, and is usually down between 2AM and 9AM, pacific time. AKA, Bryan's bed time.
Thursday, 29 March 2001
Well believe it or not, last night I put my skates on and went skating. There is a park near where we live that has a bike rack that has a lower bar which is perfect to use as a little practice rail for grinding, as it's only like 4 inches off the ground. Gotta start off slow! I think this is the first time I've put on my skates since... well, since the year 2000. But it was a lot of fun. I thought I would be really sore today, but I'm not. I need to bring some more active activities into my life.
1:30am, Friday Morning
So tomorrow, Leanne starts her new job. So we went out and celebrated tonight by going out to Bub's in PB. Tonight was also the second night in a row that I was actually active enough to break a sweat. You see, they have a ping pong table down there, and I hadn't played in so long (ever sence we moved into the smaller office at work). So it was great fun to play again. I played a guy named Kenny whose skill level was about on par with mine. He beat my by 2 points. It was fun. We also played a bunch of darts. I don't think Jeff did to well at that, as I think he lost to everyone he played, including Cami who beat me too. I did hit three triple 20's in a row on one of my turns against Jeff, though. Yeah, maybe I still got it from back in the old-old CAPE office days!
The "free trial" period of the Casino Diaries is over. You can still apply for membership by following the directions above. Don't worry, I haven't rejected anyone, and I probably won't reject you either! I'll come up with a better login page and stuff later. Cuz right now I am tired and need sleep!