Sunday, 17 June 2001
enny did this thing. So I'll do it too because I'm an unoriginal bastard. I even copied the code straight off her site. 50 things you didn't know about me. Or maybe you did.
My desktop shows:
I made them.
They show the things I love:
PIII Desktop: Natalie!
PIII Notebook: Disneyland
Macintosh G4: Vegas,
baby, Vegas!.
Book I'm reading:
Reading? The Complete
Idiots Guide to Law for Small Businesses. If you can call that reading,
I guess.
On my mouse pad:
PIII Desktop: 3M Precise
Mousing surface. Super thin mousepad I got when I was a freshman in college.
Still works good. Thin enough to set a drink half on and half off without
spilling it. The notebook is using the Apple Pro-Mouse that is optical
and works anywhere and dont' need a pad. But what kind of a "pro"
uses a one button mouse!? On the G4 I have a Logitech Wireless Mouseman.
If I'm gonna have the freedom of a wireless mouse, why would I want to
confine myself to a pad?
Favorite board game:
Favorite magazine:
Hmm. I haven't really
read a magazine in a while. I guess by default it would be Daily
Bread Skate Magazine since I used to work there.
Favorite smell:
Least favorite smell:
Worst feeling in the world:
Regret over not doing
Favorite sound:
Ferrari F355.
First thing I think of when I wake up in the morning:
I wish those neighbor's
kids would shut up!
Rings before I answer the phone:
Do I like my name?:
Yeah, except when I
need to put my name on a restaurant's waiting list and there are bound
to be like 3 other Bryans or Brians there.
I was named after:
I don't know. But word
is that my dad wanted to call me Eugene but my aunt intervened
in and kept that from happening..
Favorite food:
Lawry's. The Prime
Rib. Korean peaches. In Korea.
Do I drive fast?:
Not like I did in high
school. But in the proper place, at the proper time... like at the autocross...
or in the middle of the desert on the way to Vegas...
Chocolate or vanilla?:
Ice cream? Vanilla
with chocolate syrup.
Worst disaster I fear:
Storms, cool or scary?:
Cool, if it's just
once in a while like it is in California. Daily? Not cool.
My first car:
A 1984 Mazda RX-7 GS.
Red, like all my other cars.
Dead or alive, I would like to meet:
Jesus. I don't think
he's the same as all the WWJD people are thinking. This one time he was
at a wedding reception and they ran out of wine. WWJD people would probably
be thinking "good, alcohol is evil, and these people are too drunk
anyway," but instead He went out back and miraculously filled up
some big jars up with some wine and it was some damned good shit. People
were saying to the host "damn yo, you're supposed to bring the good
stuff out first!" I think if Jesus was at a party and they ran out
of Budweiser he'd be the kind of guy to show up just in time with a keg
of Guinness, free of charge. And I know you don't know anybody else who
is that generous! I'm sure he's way cooler than a lot of people
think these days. I'd just want to know for sure.
Zodiac sign:
Cancer. The Crab. Hard
on the outside, soft on the inside. Awww.
Favorite drink:
Pepsi. Dewar's.
Favorite vegetable:
If I could have any job, it would be:
Getting paid big bucks
to just come up with wacky ideas, then getting other people to actually
carry them out.
Hair, long or short:
Mine? Short.
Times I've been in love:
I don't think I've
ever really been in love.
Glass, half-empty or half-full:
It's half empty, for
sure. But I'm already thinking of an easier / cheaper / faster way to
fill it back up.
Do I type with my fingers over the right keys?:
Yeah, but I hit the
"B" with my right hand when you're supposed to do it with your
left, so those split "ergonomic" keyboards are no good for me.
Favorite movie:
Back To The Future
takes it
for comedies, The Godfather for drama.
What's under my bed?:
Nothing fits under
my bed, it's just two matresses on the floor like ghetto style.
Lucky number:
Twentysix. Duh.
Favorite sport to watch:
Auto Racing and Aggressive
In-Line Skating.
PC or Mac:
Both. Every day.
On my nightstand:
A lamp. A bunch of
casino comp cards. Wallet, cell phone, keys. Miscellaneous junk.
Pillows on my bed:
One. That's all I need,
and like there's ever gonna be anyone else there with me.
In case of fire, I'll take:
The PIII desktop computer...
my whole life is on there. Everything else I have is more or less replacable.
I admire:
My mom.
Best thing ever invented:
Most influential person:
My grandmother.
Favorite place(s):
San Diego, Vegas, Disneyland.
You guys all know this stuff already.
Do I say my prayers?:
I always forget.
Minutes I spend in the shower:
Ranges from 10 seconds
to 20 minutes.
Most prized possession:
I don't think I really
have one. I have a lot of stuff. But stuff is just... stuff.
My best asset:
The fact that I don't
care what you think.
Jewelry I wear:
None. I had a watch
but I left it at my friend's place.
Coke or Pepsi:
Pepsi all the way and
What I had for breakfast:
What's breakfast?
Favorite time of the year:
I like all the times
of the year. There's not a lot to hate in San Diego :)
If I were a cartoon character, I would be:
Superman. His many
talents are very useful. But I'd probably end up using the powers for
some sort of self-serving need and not for helping the public. Well, I
mean, I'd still help people once in a while. And the disguise is essential.
I don't want to be famous and recognized everywhere I go. And flying...
woohoo that would be fun.
Monday, 18 June 2001
or some reason, unbeknownst to me, the comabound chick decided to turn over all
of her referral earnings from her cafepress
store to me. Why me of all people, I have no idea. I mean, I've never
met her before, we're not like super online buddies or anything like that.
But anyway. Today I received my second check from cafepress. The first was
my referral earnings -- money I got because people that were referred
directly or indirectly to me sold stuff from their stores. I have not actually
sold a single item from my
store, but then again, I never really promoted it much and my products
are lame. BTW, the mug is by far the best quality product on there, which
is why comabound only offers mugs.
But yeah. Anyway. $11.96 for nothing. I was thinking I could maybe get the comabound chick a nice gift or something, but I couldn't find any Amazon wish lists or anything like that on her site, so I really wouldn't have any feasable way of sending her anything.
I could put a huge "I LOVE THE COMABOUND CHICK" thing in one of my updates, but I think that would probably cheapen the one I wrote about Jenny. So yeah. I don't know what to do. But I feel like I should do something for her because every penny of referral money I got just from my store has been from stores that she referred to the system.
Leanne moved out. Once again, I'll be able to live free of Jack Tripper jokes. Hopefully this time it will last longer than the last time though. Not that living with Leanne was bad, in fact, I very much enjoyed her company here, but it wasn't originally planned for me to be Jack Tripper in the first place. Especially not the second time, hehehe. But she hasn't moved very far away, and I'm sure we'll all still be seeing her quite often.
Earlier this morning the
power went out. I thought "Great. Rolling blackout. It's not even that hot."
-- But by the time I got my laptop (powered by batteries) plugged into the
phone line and turned it on so I could brag to everybody on the riceboypage
message board that I was posting even though the power was out... the power
came back on. It wasn't a rolling blackout, just some random power outage
probably due to maintanance or something. Oh well.
Friday, 22 June 2001
1:30am (saturday morning)
hair is getting kinda long. Jenny gave me the idea to maybe go for the Hugh
Jackman Wolverine look. I tried it out this morning but the hair on the
sides is not quite long enough. Maybe in another 2 weeks or so. I don't
think I can really pull it off anyway though. Wolverine has mad sideburns
in the X-Men movie and I got no beard-growing ability whatsoever. But I'm
not really in the mood to be going to get a haircut, so I guess it'll just
stay like this for now, until I can really figure out what I want to do
with it next.
In other news, the Casino Diaries now has a message board so people can ask questions or whatnot. So if you're a member... check it out and start discussing stuff!! I watched The Godfather with my friend Jen today. She had never seen it before. You know, it's a really good movie but there's a couple things that suck about watching it. One is that it's so long, you really have to plan ahead before you start watching it. The other is that the stuipd theme song stays in your head for about 3 weeks after you see the movie!!