Thursday, 12 July 2001
something to report about in my update. Back in May
I went to Vegas, and during my stay there I got to check out the BCA Open
9-Ball Championships and watch Jeanette kick some ass. Well today they showed
the semifinal from that event, and well, I was on TV. A lot. ESPN at 9pm eastern, 6pm pacific. Prime time. On ESPN, not ESPN2. Yeah. Hahaha. Hahaha. In
May of 2000 I was on MTV. Now I'm on ESPN. Hahaha. Next will be... who knows
My car has been in the
body shop over three weeks now. I'm getting kinda sick of being stuck at
home. Oh well. At least Cami lets me borrow her car to meet with clients.
If it weren't for that, then man, I'd really be hating life right now. Thanks
Next week I'll be heading to Vegas again. I'm gonna try to get a hotel room with an ethernet connection this time. Should be fun :)
Anyway. Sorry the update is so short. But better than nothing, right? Oh and uh, I'll be on ESPN again for the finals on July 26th so you guys can tune in and watch :)
Saturday, 14 July 2001
ast night after loading up on pasta at the Spaghetti Factory in the gaslamp quarter in downtown San Diego, Cami, Jeff and I decided to take an evening stroll up the 5 or so blocks to the movie theater at 5th and G. On the way up there, we passed by a very vocal "Christian" group standing on the corner with a hand-made banner depicting a bloody Jesus hanging on the cross, and they were singing:
There is power, power
Wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb
There is power, power
Wonder working power
In the precious blood of the Lamb
It wasn't a particularly rousing
or harmonious rendition, in fact, it was just really loud, and really bad. But whatever. We get to the movie theater and find out that they are not playing Kiss of the Dragon so we decide to head back to the car. On the way back we passed by the same Christian group again, but they weren't singing anymore. Instead, one of them was standing on the street corner, yelling the good news, educating the heathen drunken masses wandering the streets of San Diego on a friday night about salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ:
You will not find salvation in Mohammed, you will not find salvation in Buddha, you will not find salvation in the Pope, only through Jesus Christ will you find peace, salvation and eternal life
As we continued on down the street walking away from them, we spotted a group of five or six Hare Krishnas in their robes with tambourines and a little amp and microphone on wheels chanting their way up the block toward the Christian group proudly proclaiming that their way is the only way to find peace and salvation.
I insisted that we turn around and follow the Hare Krishnas so we can witness what the ensuing battle will bring. So we doubled back, following behind the group of Kare Krishnas back up to the corner.
What we found was pretty disappointing. The boistrious Christians who only moments earlier were proclaiming that all the other religions of this world were false, telling us all to follow their way, got very quiet, very quickly. Indeed, they even moved out of the way so the Hare Krishnas could pass through, and while the Christians were milling about, discussing amongst themselves what to do about this situation, the Hare Krishnas just kept singing their song, louder than ever on the corner, waiting for the light to turn green.
Why was it so disappointing? Well of all the people walking up and down the street that night, those Hare Krishnas were the ones that were most obviously traveling down the wrong path in life, from the point of view of the Christians standing on the corner. You'd think that you'd want to yell the loudest for the people that needed to hear it the most, not suddenly quiet down and leave it up to the hand-drawn Jesus hanging on the cross to explain it all for you.
But whatever.
2:30am (sunday morning)
A Party at Ben and Jeff's New Place

Jeff, wacky as usual

Scott, Ben, Kris, Erin

Watching the big dart game


ben and jeff and their special relationship