Thursday, 9 August 2001
1:45am (friday morning)
homas Magnum.
Magnum, P.I. He's my idol. I've been watching that show at 5pm on A&E
religiously in the last few weeks. Why is he my idol? Well first of all,
he's doing something he loves. He also lives in a pimpin' bungalow that
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to pay rent on. He also works for the
mysterious Robin Masters who doesn't mind of Magnum drives is Ferrari
around... everywhere. I'm sure Robin picks up the tab for maintanance
and gas too. That's pretty dope.
But on top of all that,
Magnum is smooth. He's the epitome of all smoothness... not just in the
sense that he can pick up mad chicks, with or without the Ferrari 308 GTSi,
but in the sense that he can tail a guy, or stake out a house while sitting
in his red Ferrari, and yet he's so smooth that he can remain inconspicuous
the whole time! Now think about it... in today's terms, that would be like
a guy sitting across the street from your house with a pair of binoculars
while sitting in a shiny red Ferrari F355 or F360 (retail on one of those
things: "More than you can afford, pal!") and somehow you don't even
notice he's there! Now that's smooth!!
Rush Hour 2 -- I just came back from watching Rush Hour 2 and all I gotta say is... dayum, Zhang Ziyi can come over to my house and kick my ass any day!! Woohoo!! Watching the Vegas parts was kinda weird cuz like... I was just there. But then again, pretty much any time you see me, I was just there, so I don't really know if that means anything.
But it was interesting... the Desert Inn (which they used as the Red Dragon casino in the movie) is half demolished now, but from the strip you can still see the soot above the windows where they had the big explosion... and all I'm thinkin' is... dayum... Zhang Ziyi was up in that room. So close, and yet so far. Oh well.
But uh-oh, here come the niggling details -- and no, I'm not even gonna talk about how they looked down the street from DI and Bally's was right there. I'm talking about the "$50,000 buy in" on the opening night of the casino. I'm sorry but if I ever opened a casino, I am definitely not having a high-roller/whale-only opening night!! Shit, the chances of all those whales in there cleaning you out on opening night are way too high!!
Anyway... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Zhang Ziyi.
Saturday, 11 August 2001
1:00am (sunday morning)
irk, Cami's brother, came down on the train yesterday to visit and have fun and get away from home... he's too young to drive, but it's summer vacation for him so he's pretty much stuck at home and all. Anyway. Lots of video game playing has been going on. Also today, Kirk, Cami, Jeff, Ben and I went to see Osmosis Jones which was a thorougly entertaining movie with lots of humorous little details that I'm sure I missed.
We later headed downtown, had some dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory then drove over the bridge to Coronado where we motored around for a few minutes before returning home so we could plop ourselves into the jacuzzi. Yup.
The plan for tomorrow is to go to Legoland which should be pretty cool... I've never been there before, so I'm pretty excited and stuff. Yup.
And yo, you other journal
people, I want to turn this journalist meet in Vegas into a reality so like...
yeah. The Swank
Condo guy (who I only recently found out has been posting regularly
on the riceboypage message board for like, years) says he will come if the
comabound chick comes,
and she has already mentioned over on the slinkstar
message boards that if such a meet happened she would definitely be there
Yeah. And besides, I gotta meet this person that watches reality TV all day and then disappears unannounced to New York or Hong Kong or Vegas or Reno for a week, only to return back home and watch all the reality TV she missed on her Tivo.
And I promise, I won't bring a full bar with me this time so we don't all have to get drunk and crazy and pee out the window or anything... unless we want to ;)