Tuesday, 2 October 2001
am in geek heaven. Star Trek: The Next Generation, nearly 24 hours a day for the rest of teh week!? By midnight tonight I will have seen 14 episodes in 24 hours, despite doing some work and going out to play poker at Ben and Jeff's place tonight. Yeah, geeky and pathetic I know, however, nobody has been running this show which is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, so it's been a while since I've really gotten to see it... I'm just catching up for lost time now :)
Last night, as any of you
who read cami or jeff
know already, we went out to the Basement Jaxx show at 4th and B. It was
great, and they totally rocked and you can read about all that from them...
the comment that I will add to the night is that I have never seen so many
ugly girls in one place before. Am I being mean by saying that? I don't
know. It was pretty cool though when they came out and as part of their
encore played Bingo Bango, one of their best tracks... and nobody
knew this before but every time I played it in my car (alone, of course),
I couldn't help but... dance in my car. SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Don't tell anybody. But that's how good this track is though.
Wednesday, 3 October 2001
his ST:TNG marathon is starting to scare me... in 48 hours or so, I've seen 30 or so episodes... not a single one is one I haven't seen before, and at least 75% are ones I remember as being especially good. I wonder if there are any episodes of this series that I haven't seen before in the last 14 years? Hmmm.
Memorable episodes I've seen in the last 24 hours... the season finale from the 3rd season where Picard gets captured and turned into a Borg (and the followup episode from the next season)... Cause and Effect -- The episode where Data subconsciously stacks the decks to deal all 3's and then 3 of a kind to everyone... a message to himself from the future... And a bunch more.
the middle of the marathon I did take some time out to watch Croupier,
the latest movie I've received from Netflix. It's a British film about a
writer who gets a job as a casino dealer... which leads to him getting into
some trouble. It was pretty cool, although not quite as great as I thought
it was going to be. It also had some gratuitous female nudity, although
the girls weren't exactly the most attractive... Overall, I'd recommend
it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.
I also took some time out today to go for a little skate... believe it or not, after a while I couldn't handle any more Trek so I took a break... only to come back to it later :) But it did feel good to get outside and work my body out a little bit! Welp... sorry for such boring updates, but I'm still in geek heaven :)
Thursday, 4 October 2001 10:50pm
"There are four lights!" - Captain Picard
"that episode disturbed me" - Sonnyboy aka Swank Condo Josh
unny, isn't it? The most consecutive updates in recent memory have been spurred on by a television show marathon, hahaha. Unfortunately, I'm sure it doesn't make for very good reading. Oh well. And I don't care if you think I'm nerdy or geeky. I think this is one of the best TV series, ever. The acting, the writing, directing... the ensemble... amazing. They work together perfectly... and the drama! By this weekend when this marathon ends, things should be back to normal.
So what else is going on in the world... I've had some contracts to work on. More Netflix movies are on their way... Unforgiven and The Maltese Falcon. I've been thinking about taking another trip to Vegas some time this month. I don't know any of the details yet. Heck, I probably won't know that I'm going until I'm there.
Have you seen jenny's redesigned page? Very sexy!
Friday, 5 October 2001
1:15am saturday morning
LL GOOD THIGNS... that is, All Good Things... Part 1 and 2 -- the first part is just coming on now... the series finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation... I haven't seen these since they originally aired back in 1994! These are such cool episodes too! Yup yup! As you can see I'm very excited.
Earlier today... I was at Roberto's, enjoying some carne asada fries... and for a split second, the thought of going back to school crossed my mind. Hahaha what a dumb idea ;)
Saturday, 6 October 2001
t was like a nightmare waking up this morning. I woke up and grabbed the remote control and turned on the little TV in my rooom... and there was no Star Trek there! That's it, I'm setting out to start a 24 hour Star Trek cable network! Or not. But, after an entire week of peace, love, and political correctness, I need something else. So for today's update, I'm gonna be a jerk. Yup.
Have you ever looked at a little kid and just wanted to punch them in the head? Not because of anything they were doing, not because they were making any noise and bothering you, but just because you knew that kid was gonna grow up to be an asshole. From time to time I see a kid and I just know -- maybe it's what they look like, maybe it's what their parents look like, but whatever reason it is, you just know that kid is going to grow up to be a prick. I've never acted on such urges, but they are there. Am I some sort of latent serial killer or something? Hmmm.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your life as someone that is just plain completely inept? Tonight I had a little dinner at the local KFC (you can laugh all you want, but I like Kentucky Fried Chicken!), and as I came in the door, I got aprehensive because that guy was working the register again. This guy has been working at this KFC for at least 6 months now, and in 7 or 8 trips, never once has he ever not made a mistake.
Sometimes he makes wrong change. Sometimes he gets the order wrong, sometimes he puts your food on a plate when he should have packed it up to-go, and he is always very slow. Today I decided to pay with plastic money, and had to go through the payment process twice because the first time through he only charged me 29 cents.
Seriously, how hard can it be to get orders right at least 50% of the time? I have the utmost respect for people in the service industry, and seeing as how at least 95% of the time everything gets done right... I can't see how this guy can manage to do something wrong every single time. What's it like to live like that? I hope I never know.