Monday, 22 October 2001
nott's Scary Farm -- I haven't been to this event in over 10 years, so when I heard some people were gonna go, I thought it would be pretty fun, and I went! Besides, I hadn't been to Knott's Berry Farm in ages! Anyway. We drove up and on the way there we had some dinner at a Bob's Big Boy restaurant. I don't know about where you're from, but I haven't seen a Bob's Big Boy restaurant in a long, long time! Indeed, it's been so long since my last trip to Bob's Big Boy that there really wasn't anything familiar about the place at all!

Anyway. Knott's. Scary
Farm was pretty much exactly as I had remembered it being the last time
I went many, many years ago. They have lots of haunted-house style mazes
around, and they are quite good! Plus all the guys in their makeup running
around trying to scare people. yeah. I had a great time. This pic is Cami,
Chris, Jeff and Ben, in front of the theater where we were supposed
to see Elvira. Oh yeah, also near there we saw them taping some stuff
for a show on E! Entertainment.

Oh and before I forget, if you're ever in the area, you must ride on Supreme Scream -- this is one of those tower-type rides, but it's the opposite of the one on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. Rather than shooting you up and letting you freefall back down... and rather than taking you to the top and freefalling you back down... this thing takes you up (way the hell up), and doesn't just drop you back down, it shoots you down!! And it's pretty freakin' tall too... it's taller than the tallest building in Orange County according to Knott's website. And as your going up, at about the point where you're thinking that you'll be stopping and getting dropped soon... you look up and realize that you're not even half way there yet! Definitely an experience.
now a shift in gears... DVD review. Yesterday I received The Cider
House Rules from Netflix -- another movie that I should have seen
before but didn't. The first thing I wanna say is... sweet Jesus, Charlize
Theron is freakin' hot!!! Secondly, I wanna say that the movie
itself was quite good. I know some people that just watch it over and
over again... I don't know if it has that sort of quality for me, but
it definitely was worth watching.
As far as the DVD itself
goes... the film is presented in a anamorphically encoded widescreen format,
and it looks great. The special features include deleted scenes, movie
trailers and a behind-the-scenes short that is quite audaciously titled:
"The Cider House Rules: The Making Of An American Classic"... this was
a great movie, but isn't it a bit too soon to be judging itself as "An
American Classsic"?
The deleted scenes weren't
bad to watch, and a couple of them even gave some new insight into some
of the stuff that happened in the story. I started watching the making-of
short, but after about 5 seconds I was already sick of it. It hadn't really
gotten going, but I could already tell (as if the title wasn't a clue
enough) that it was just gonna be a whole bunch of self-back-patting,
rather than be anything that would give insight into how the movie was
So basically what I'm
saying is that the movie is great, but if you're a fiend for special features...
well, as with most DVD's, the special features aren't so special after
this week I received Beavis and Butthead: The Final Judgement.
I had been craving to see Beavis and Butthead episodes for quite some
time, and whaddya know, Netflix had this baby in stock. Well, there's
good news, and bad news.
The good news is that if you've been longing to see some Beavis and Butthead episodes for a long time, this disc has some great episodes on it, like the first Cornholio episode, and "No Laughing". The bad news? The bad news is... there's no music videos. And everyone knows the videos were the best part about the series!
This disc has no special features. In fact, it doesn't even have any menus. You just put it in and it starts playing. It is rather disappointing that the videos got cut out, but it's still great to see these guys again and to see how funny they really were... and just how tame they are compared to South Park. When you think about how much controversy was stirred up by Beavis and Butthead it all seems pretty ridiculous now. And that's about all I have to say about that. Coming soon to my mailbox: Gods and Monsters.
Wednesday, 24 October 2001
resently, I am at my folks' place in Downey. I'm up here to meet with a client tomorrow. Incidentally, this friday is my high school's homecoming game... I don't think I've been back there since I graduated back in 1995. This should be kind of interesting, especially considering that one of my friends from back in school returned to become the band director. I haven't seen him since I graduated either. Should be fun!
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Some people talk shit about it, but actually, I like KFC. But last night, I had the urge for fried chicken -- real fried chicken. KFC's chicken, although they call it "fried" is actually baked. No, I wanted some chicken that was actually submerged in hot oil!
Ahh, Church's Chicken. Their food is so good! But... the nearest one is 11 miles away from home! Has anyone else ever noticed that you can only find Church's Chicken locations in more *ehem* "ethnically diverse" or "lower income" areas? Now why is that? Are the well-off white people in this world too good for real fried chicken?
Oh well, who cares! Church's tastes good, and you get more for your money too. For the price of a 3 piece combo at KFC (which these days comes with a miserable single side dish, a biscuit and a drink), you can get 3 pieces of chicken, mashed potatos, cole slaw, honey-butter biscuit, a drink, and a desert pie!! Well, I very much enjoyed my meal!
The "new" living room. I like it. Since Cami got the couch, we did a lot of rearranging, and the living room feels a lot bigger now. It looks like a real living room. It looks more like a home now, more than just a place where some people live.
On a side note... I just
found out that Sting will be playing a handfull of dates in December...
one of them being December 14th at the Aladdin in Las Vegas. I think i should
go. But the question is... do I have another contest? I am kind of hesitant
to. All my previous contests have gone down in flames. Most of the entrants
say stuff like "I'm entering this thing even though if I won I wouldn't
be able to go..." what the hell is that crap? Hahaha.
So maybe I won't
have a contest. Maybe I'll just ask. If any of you fine ladies out there
want to (and can) go with me to see Sting in concert in Vegas, let me know. Of course
I'd hook up the room and stuff... and I'd very much prefer to go with someone who is a Sting fan... you know, like knows all the words to his songs and stuff. Like I bet it would be pretty cool to go with cyn, but I don't know what her husband would think about that ;).