Monday, 4 February 2002
ell, well well. Update on a few things here. First, I haven't been keeping up with my running. Second, on my new Bryan's DVD Review section, I am testing out a system where readers can add their own comments to each of my reviews... you can try it out right now if you like. I'm pretty proud of what I have built in such a short time. I really didn't know I had it in me. Also, since I said I would mention it here, I have recently reviewed the movies Election, The Thomans Crown Affair (the original), and American History X. I've already sent those movies back to Netflix so I should be getting three new ones shortly.
I made fried chicken again tonight, with one major change -- the first time I made it, I dredged the chicken through a flour/seasoning mixture, then in beaten egg, then again in the flour. I did not like how the skin came out. This time, instead of egg, I used buttermilk, and man it came out 100 times better! I feel that I now have the base for a good recepie and now can start experimenting with different seasonings to get some really great tasting fried chicken that everyone will want to eat. Boy do I love fried chicken :)
Cami mentioned this colorgenics website that she saw on someone else's web journal. She said it was remarkably accurate, so I tried it out. Holy shit, it's so accurate, that in some ways, I don't even want to post what it says! But I'll post what it said about me anyway:
You are striving for a life full of activity and experience, and perhaps
what is even more, an environment where you would be able to forge a close
bond with a person who can offer full emotional fulfilment.
You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive; but you are holding
back as you do not really like going it "on your own"... In preference
you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes
as your own ... to explore .. to seek out and go perhaps "where no other
man has trod before" ... It is the unusual that attracts you and which
will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.
You wear your heart on your sleeve ... and since you are an emotional
person you are apt to give your all ... heart and soul ... to all those
that show you a little affection ... but take care... it would appear
that you have been extremely hurt in the past...and you keep leaving
yourself wide open for punishment..
From every direction there appears to be unwarranted restrictions on
your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress..You're
really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and
therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering.
You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like
nothing better than to escape from them, but you tend to lack the necessary
strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are
being frustrated. You need to be free to do your "thing" in your own
You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation.
You are your own person and you intend to stay that way .. and to get
on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.
it's almost scary just how detailed it is, and it is by far the best personality test I've seen since the Zang one which was discovered in the old Galbraith Hall CAPE office some 6 or 7 years ago. Wow man, has it really been that long since I started college? Why yes, I guess it has. Perhaps even scarier is the notion that I've been meeting people online (via the internet and also local BBS's) for over 10 years now. In fact, I made my first online used junk sale before I was even old enough to drive. I sold a 4.77MHz IBM PC/XT clone with 256k RAM, no hard drive and two 360k floppy drives to a guy in 1993. It came with a CGA video adaptor and I threw in the crappy monitor. I sold it to some guy for $300!! Man did that guy get ripped off!!
Come to think of it, just about all of the people I am friends with now, I originally met online, or through someone I met online. Take my good friend and roommate Cami, for instance. I met her online. Her boyfriend Jeff? Well they met through my friend Ben, who I met through the riceboypage message board. All those people who come over for poker are also from the riceboypage. That's also how I met my old roommate, Henry. All of the girls I have been romantically involved with in my entire life have been people I met online, or people I've met through people I've met online. Jenny, who I first learned about because she was the most annoying person in my class, became my friend after we first made contact... online.
This dual processor G4 macintosh (with dual monitors!) that I am typing this update on... I bought it from the dot-com I was working at when it went out of business. I found that job online, and I got that job in large part because of the video I had online of me and my friend Ben (who I already mentioned I met online) fighting with light sabers. A video that I made with a camera that I bought with some of the money that paid for their part-ownership in my website, the riceboy page. Yes, many of my best friends, love interests, and career opportunities have com from online. Is that scary or what? But I'm glad. What can I say? I love the Internet, and I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today without it!
Tuesday, 5 February 2002
es, I made fried chicken again tonight, and I tweaked the recepie some, and this time it came out quite good! Just a little bit more minor tweaking (I want the skin to be a bit spicier) and I will be having some of the best fried chicken ever made! Perhaps I will give you all the recepie once it has been perfected. But it is definitely good enough now for me to be confident sharing it with other people, becuase thus far, no one else has tasted my chicken.
I have added reviews of Unbreakable, Vegas Vacation, and The Fast and the Furious to the DVD review page. I reviewed Unbreakable before, but I decided to redo it for the new site. Also, I couldn't believe I have never reviewed Vegas Vacation before. In fact, earlier today I realized that most of the movies I actually own on DVD aren't on my review page! Which is why these three movies made it in today. I figure all of the movies I own should be in there!
Welp, that's it for today. Chicken is good.
Thursday, 7 February 2002
ow well do you think you know me? Take the friend test at: and test your mettle.
Friday, 8 February 2002
t has been just about 24 hours since I put up my "friend test", and 47 people have taken the quiz. The results have been quite interesting, if I do say so myself. While almost nobody has had trouble guessing my favorite music artist, the number of my girlfriends, the car I drive, my favorite casino game, it's rather interesting to see that people had a hard time guessing my birthplace, favorite movie trilogy, last Vegas hotel, and favorite Disneyland ride.
It's also interesting to me that 5 people believe I have a Honda Civic, 4 people think I drive a Ferrari, and one person believes I have a Camaro SS, yet nobody thinks I would own a Ford Mustang. Do I seem like an anti-Ford person? Under 30% guessed what hotel I last stayed in, only 51% guessed my birthplace, only 40% guessed my favorite Disneyland rides, and under 30% guessed my favorite movie trilogy!
I guess y'all don't know me as well as I supposed you would. My friend Zac was the only one to get 100%, and I have known him since 6th grade. Very, very interesting indeed! I thougth I put almost everything on this website, but I guess not. Anyway. I didn't do much today, although i did thorougly enjoy Friday night "Bonus Treks" on TNT. I love ST:TNG!! And on a final note, I reviewed Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure on my DVD review page tonight.
Saturday, 9 February 2002
he friend test is now closed. Speaking of which, some time today, someone spent who knows how much time on over 40 attempts at taking the test to figure out what all the right answers were, and when they got close switched their name to some generic sounding name that I do not remember right now, and posted a perfect score of 100. The exact motivation behind it I may never know, but it seems like a pretty pathetic way to spend a Saturday afternoon, if you ask me. Anyway. I watched Brazil today. I also got Anatomy of a Murder which I will probably watch soon.