Thursday, 7 March 2002
t's like my greatest dream worst nightmare, all rolled into one. What is it? It's the new Best Buy store that opened last week about a mile from my apartment. I'm so glad that it's there, and yet, I know that all of my money is going to disappear at that place. I went there last friday, after I discovered it had finally opened, and well, I ended up spending $50 on DVD's to celebrate their opening. Actually, that was a pretty good deal, considering that including tax, I got American Beauty, Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, all for just under $50. Not too bad. And of course, all of these have been reviewed on my DVD Review, in case you haven't already seen it. Other recent additions include Following, Yellow Submarine, Sting: The Brand New Day Tour, and The Talented Mr. Ripley.
It's raining, and it's actually raining a significant amount. And by significant, I mean, measurable. We've barely gotten any rain at all this year, and this has been the first real rainfall. How rare is the rain here? Rare enough that the 11 o'clock news ran a 5 minute long story about how unusual it is for it to rain here, and the different ways San Diegans deal with it. Yep, it's almost like paradise, but without the island fever... ie. I can drive to Vegas from here any time I want. And that's why I love this place, and that's why I keep living here.
I've made a slight modification to my fried chicken recepie (not in the ingredients, but in the technique), and according to Cami, it's better than the one I posted earlier. But I'm still looking for the right kind of pepper to use to get a little extra kick in there. Once I get that out, then I guess I'll release version 1.1 of my chicken recepie. Has anyone out there even tried my version 1.0 chicken?
Cami has settled with her ex-boss in court, and although I haven't seen her that much since it all went down, I can already tell in the few minutes I've spent with her that she's much happier now knowing that she'll never have to deal with that crook ever again... and a happy Cami is a good Cami. And she'll probably even get a tax refund this year.
Speaking of taxes... the old company I worked for last year hasn't (and probably won't) send out W2's... man as if my taxes weren't already nightmarish already, what with me working freelance and actually trying to itemize this year. I've been putting off doing my taxes because I can't imagine it will be very fun this year -- a far cry from the days when I was working at CAPE and I could easily file a 1040EZ, no muss, no fuss. Oh well. Those days are gone now!
Look at that, I've rambled on again. Oh well. So I guess to save you from more rambling, I'll sign off for the night.
Friday, 8 March 2002
ow. I'm totally amazed. I have witnessed the most unlikely thing ever... Cami watched an entire episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation... I never thought I would see such a thing in a million years. And the really amazing thing is that I didn't have to force her to do it. In fact, she watched it on her own in her own room as I watched it in the living room. She could have changed the channel any time she wanted, but she didn't. Like woah. I didn't even have to try to convince her to watch it! I just suggested it and she did! All the years I've known her, Cami has always rolled her eyes at the mention of Star Trek... I'm simply amazed.