Monday, 19 March 2002
I'm very proud of Jeff, both for the great project he created, and also for being the first person I know to ever have their site get slashdotted. But I do feel bad that his site ultimately had to be deleted... none of the rest of us twentysixers could even get our email during this time. And I'm glad that I got to play with the Game Man. I posted this pic on the riceboard and someone responded with "woah! You got mad hookups! I saw that somewhere else and now you have one!?" haha. No, I just happened to know the guy that made it. Saturday, 23 March 2002
What else is going on? Oh yeah, I picked up a game called "Max Payne" for PC this week. It's actually kind of old, but it's super fun. It's a shooting game where you can engage "bullet time", like Matrix style slow motion. Very fun because you can jump through a door in slow motion with a pistol in each hand blazing like you're in some kind of John Woo movie. Very addictive. Unfortunately, it's kind of a short game and I ended up beating it in like 2 days. But it's still fun. I'm trying the harder skill level now. And that's about it for today. Sorry, not much exciting has really been going on in my life. |