Tuesday, 26 March 2002
t long last, it is mine! The Star Trek: The Next Generation season 1 on DVD! Now I can experience any of the first season episodes whenever I want! Woohoo! I'm very happy
about that. And well, I've got nothing else to say tonight so... have a good evening.
Wednesday, 27 March 2002
onight I made some fried chicken for Cami and Leanne. My recipie is always being fine tuned, and tonights was the best ever! Cami says it gets better every time, and I am about --->THIS<--- close to having my modified recepie to be good enough to post on here. I sure do love fried chicken. I think given the choice between an endless supply of sex and an endless supply of fried chicken... I'd choose the fried chicken. I have an unnatural desire for fried chicken and when that desire is fulfilled... the feeling of satisfaction I get is like no other satisfaction I have ever felt in my entire life.
A couple of new movies have popped up on the DVD Review, including Star Trek: Generations, The Graduate, and of course, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 DVD set. Check 'em out if you're interested. Many more to come, the soonest including Willow, Out of Sight, Magnolia, A Bug's Life, and Lawrence of Arabia. Busy busy!
And I'd like to say right now that the MTV show "The Osbournes" is a freakin' brilliant show! I can't believe how great it is. The truly funny thing is that this one family seems to generate more worthy-of-tv content in one day than The Real World seems to generate in a whole week of 10 people living in a house! And certainly more than that lame CBS Big Brother show had! Trying to see them try to fill 30 minutes of airtime out of 24 hours of realtime was painful!
Welp that's about all I've got to say for today so... yeah.