Sunday, 7 April 2002
es, to borrow a phrase from Requiem For A Dream, I am truly on my DVD reviewing MONTH OF FURY. In the first 7 days, I've watched 10 movies! Check out the DVD REVIEW to see the latest! I was just thinking back right now about how my there are so many things in my life right now that just 10 years ago I'd never imagine I'd have. Particularly all the toys I have acquired since then. I think right now I am living in 14 year old boy heaven, as far as all the computers, video cameras and home theater junk is concerned.
The funniest thing to me though is that I remember 10 years ago fantasizing that when I lived on my own, away from the watchful eyes of my parents that I would own an entire closet-full of porn magazines. In no way could I have ever conceived that 10 years later, the Internet would provide an exponentially larger porn collection than can be housed in any closet. How wonderful technology is!
I miss Jenny. In the few months between when I finally decided to stop hating her, and when she left for North Carolina, we became great friends. I miss hanging out with her. I miss chatting with her online. I miss hearing her voice. I miss giving her as much shit as she gives me on each of our own idiosyncrasies. But thanks to her busy grad-school life, time zones, and my fucked up sleep schedule, I rarely get to communicate with her these days. She really was one of the few people I could really tell everything to, and who knows how it even got that way from the times that I absolutely despised her for making my college experience so miserable!
Once again, I've been feeling like I need to take a trip somewhere. Maybe Europe? Specifically... a return to Spain? Hmmm. But as Zac pointed out this weekend... I probably won't have as much fun as I did when we went back in high school, and he is probably quite right. Anyway. Why am I blabbering on about all this reminiscing and junk? Well, I guess nothing really exciting has been happening around here, so that's all I got to talk about. Or something.
Tuesday, 9 April 2002
onight I took Cami out to dinner to thank her for hooking me up a new client on a rather sizable web design contract. We went to Donovan's Steak & Chop House in La Jolla... I'd passed by there many times, but never went inside. Once, many years ago, Cami and I ate at that building when it was still the Rusty Pelican. Anyway. Supposedly this place is ranked in the top 10 of all the steakhouses in America, though I don't know who compiled that list, or how reliable it is, but I can say this -- I had the best steak of my entire life tonight. Dinner was 6 hours ago and I'm still full! Everything just melted in my mouth, even the vegetables. Yum.... According to Cami's boss, this place blows Ruth's Chris away. But whatever it was, it was damned good. They also have a pretty crazy wine list. How crazy? It's big enough to need a table of contents!!
Afterwards, Cami, Ben, Jeff and I went to the good ol' Mira Mesa Inn for some beers on me to celebrate. Then we came home and watched "The Osbournes" and then played some Scrabble. I'm a bit frustrated right now because Jeff won both the darts tournament we had at the bar, and Scrabble. Too much winning for Jeff in one night, if you ask me!
Last night we watched This Is Spinal Tap and you'll find the review on my DVD review. Coming soon to the DVD review are Philadelphia, Romeo+Juliet, and A Few Good Men.