Tuesday, 7 May 2002
Yup, last weekend the site was down, why? Well, for some reason a whole bunch of people started downloading my light saber video and it pegged my bandwidth meter. Strange, considering that the video is two years old, and only now seems to be gaining such popularity, haha. Gosh, Ocean's Eleven is such a good movie. Hmm. Well, I plan to be in Vegas again on Monday or Tuesday... not exactly sure just yet what I am going to be doing, or where I'm going to be staying, although there seems to be a good chance it'll be Casino Royale again. How many of you out there knew that once, I was -->THIS<-- close to getting married to a girl in Vegas? Only we ended up never actually going to Vegas, so yeah, nothing ever happened. Crazy, eh? Yesterday I was driving along minding my own business, when at around 40mph, a random wasp flew into my window and stung me on my back, in between my shoulder blades. What the hell? What are the odds of that ever happening? I thought it was a rock or something that came in and hit me, except it felt really hot. Anyway, nothing serious came of it, as the swelling was completely gone after a few hours. But what a bizarre experience that was! Ya know, there were a whole lot of shitty episodes in the second season of ST:TNG. Oh well, I needed it so that I could have the complete collection once they are all out on DVD. I've heard some rumors that Helen is thinking about moving back to San Diego... hey, me and cami and her could get a house together and that would be pretty effin' dope... with a house I could get an even bigger TV, and actually spread out my home theater :) Anyway, that's about all I've got to say for right now. Weeeee. Friday, 10 May 2002
But hey, it was fun, and it was a neat experience that I'm glad I got to have. Hmmm what else is news... well I'm at my parents house up in LA right now for mother's day... Tomorrow I wanna get some new front tires for my car, and then I'll be going to the dentists office that afternoon, and tomorrow evening I am meeting Zac and Karen for a little trip to Disneyland... it's been quite a while since I spent any time there. |