Sunday, 19 May 2002
ow is it that a certain online journal person *ehem* that has actually been to Star Trek conventions would actually criticize me for buying Star Trek DVD's? Hahah. yeah, i didn't go to LA to see Episode 2. I was in vegas, baby!!! And to certain online journalists that would criticize me for not wanting to make that journey to watch a star wars movie because it would be too nerdy, I offer this video.
In other news, I have relocated my giant repository of digital camera pictures (which I admit, has not seen much action this year) to a faster location that will now be up 24 hours a day, at
Tuesday, 21 May 2002
f you have not yet seen the video whose link I posted above yet, I highly recommend you do... it's the funniest thing I've seen in a very, very, very long time. And if you tried the link but it was bad, well, try again cuz I just changed it to one that should work for some time to come. Enjoy! And in other news... I think i may have finally won the battle against Cami's computer and making it stable after damned near a year... but I won't know for sure until tomorrow.
And the new Best Buy store that recently opened up a mile from my house that I thought was going to be so great that it was right there? Well, that store sucks ass. It's like I want to spend money there, but they won't let me! They put on sale this TV that I wanted to buy. Yep, earlier this week, I was about to go blow $2000 on a TV on an impulse buy even though my current one is perfectly fine and still way better than what most people have. But do they have it in stock? No! Do they know when they'll get some? The best estimate I got was measured in months -- why are you putting on a TV set that you don't even have right now on sale at a reduced price?
Then today I stopped in because today I decided, well if I can't get a new TV, I could buy an HDTV decoder box for the one I have right now. I go there with Cami and after waiting a long time to get a guy to even pay attention to me (maybe I should have worn my "I have money" costume?), the guy says "you don't need any help do you?" and inside I'm thinking "no, I don't have $600 in my pocket that I'm desperately trying to spend here if I could get some help", but I restrained myself and asked if they had any of these HDTV boxes in stock. He said he didn't know because no one has ever asked before. He checks in their computer and no, they do not have any.
I'm trying so hard to spend money there, and it's like, they don't to sell anything. They'll put out display models of all kinds of nifty stuff and then tell you that they don't have them in stock. They'll even have big sales and hugely reduced prices on items they never even had! What the hell? So yeah, the Mira Mesa Best Buy store sucks ass. Even the way their DVD section is setup is weak -- it's so cramped that it's uncomfortable to just browse the selection -- in other words, I have never once "accidentally" bought a DVD that I hadn't planned to in that store, because it's so hard to browse! It's too cramped and uncomfortable, and there's no way more than 1 person can comfortably be in an aisle at a time. Yep, me, the king of the impulse buyers... has never made an impulse buy at that particular Best Buy location. Prior to the opening of this location, there had never been I time I walked into a Best Buy with out buying something -- that's how sucky this one is!