Wednesday, 10 July 2002
ast night I slept extremely well in my own bed. Yup, those hotel beds are bigger than mine, but somehow, the place you sleep in at home is always better! It's great to be back home, though I must admit, I had contemplated staying in Vegas another night or two, but I came back not because I was sick of Vegas, but because I was missing my home.
I tried to go to the bank today to make a deposit, but there was a sign on the door that said the bank was closed -- because someone had just robbed the place! Woah! I haven't heard anything about what happened yet though.
Other than that, I have accomplished very little today, although I did put up some new reviews on my DVD Review page. And really, that's about it. Tomorrow I plan to get back to work on some of the stuff that I've got on my plate now. Workin' hard for my money, yo. One last tidbit for today: I've read a report that said that Caesars Palace now allows topless sunbathing in the pool area. I haven't seen anything else that can confirm or deny this, but it's a practice that I wouldn't mind seeing spread to other properties on the strip :)
Thursday, 11 July 2002
ome interesting developments tonight! First, I've heard some reports that the Korean soccer fan girl that Swank Condo Josh was swooning over... is and/or was at one time, actually a MAN. In an AIM conversation he told me, "I feel so violated... she's got an adam's apple! Gross!". And in other news...
The regular thursday night poker night at my place was broken up by a phone call from an RBP regular from the bay area, who was relaying a message from an RBP regular from the east coast -- on the way to the east coast RBP meet, two of our regulars were arrested in South Carolina, one of whom is one of our Southern California guys. Details are very sketchy right now, and no one knows exactly where they are, or what they got caught for, but yeah. Anyway, I'm very tired. Good night all.
Saturday, 13 July 2002
n an effort to get outside of this damned apartment and try to enjoy the wonderful weather we had today, I went to the mall this afternoon. You may or may not know that most of the shopping malls in San Diego are of the outdoor variety, which is how I can enjoy the weather while being at one. Yes, while all the resort shopping places in Vegas have painted blue skies, we have the real thing here in San Diego, one of the many reasons I love living here.
While I was there I stopped by the newstand and noticed that I was on the cover of the june issue of Pool and Billiard magazine. Out of focus and in the background, as a spectator, but on the cover nonetheless. Haha. What other parts of the media will I now be sneaking myself into?
Certain songs take me directly back to 1995/1996, my freshman year in college, but none more so than "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand" by Primitive Radio Gods, and "Wonderful" by Adam Ant. The only other song that takes me back so vividly to a specific time period is perhaps "Set Adrift On Memory Bliss" by P.M. Dawn, although it's not the same time period.
I don't know why I just felt like mentioning that right now, but I did. Hmm what else. Well. I'd like to say that for the first time in about 2 years, I've become discontent with my present condition. What I'm going to do about it, I'm not yet sure. But it may be time to act. Sorry I'm so ambiguous. Anyway. That's all I've got to say for now.