Monday, 26 August 2002
gain, you may have been wondering where I've been... Well, since the day I got back to San Diego last week, I've been working fervently on the RBP Vegas Meet video, which I finally completed, and released this afternoon. I think I spent a total of around 80 hours working on this video (not just this week, but also in the weeks leading up to the event), and you can see the fruits of my labor by clicking on that image on the right there. But I must warn you, viewer discretion is advised, and it's a long video (18 minutes total) so it's gonna be a big download.
Remember the expose I wrote about Swank Condo Josh a few months ago, about how big of a nerd he really is but tries to hide it? You can see some proof of that in the "Outro" section of the Vegas meet video. Remember, being at that event in Las Vegas was something he wanted to hide so much that he neglected to even mention that he had gone out of state in his update! Now you can see why he doesn't want you to know about his trip!
But now that the video is done, I've been able to catch up on some other stuff, including putting up those last images taken by my camera before it was destroyed by a freak gust of wind on that fateful trip to Vegas. You can find those images in the big repository of pics.
Not much else has been happening lately, since, well, I've just been working on the video and that's about it for the last week or so... no time for anything else, really. I plan to spend the rest of this week relaxing and watching lots of movies.
Tuesday, 27 August 2002
ell, it seems quite a few people have downloaded the video. Haha. I forgot to mention that you also see quite a bit of Jeff in that video too. What else. I saw xXx with Cami and Leanne today. It's one of those movies that is thorougly entertaining as long as you check your brain at the door. But it was especially entertaining because it really did seem like when planning each scene out they sat down and thought "how can we make this as over the top and ridiculous as possible?" and unlike many movies with only two or three really ridiculous scenes, this movie was just one gigantic ridiculous scene. They picked what they wanted to do with this movie and they stuck with it 100%.
I got this colored gel stuff for my hair, but my hair is so black, you can't see any of the color. This is about the stiffest anything I've ever put in my hair though. I could seriously poke someone's eye out with my hair right now if I wanted to. Serious spike action going on here. But I gave the tube to Cami cuz it's pretty useless to me since you cannot see the color at all, even if you look at it really really close.
A few weeks ago I won this sign on ebay. It just arrived to day. I love it, it's such a cool sign, and the white backlight just adds a whole new dimension to it all. Plus, I really like Dewar's scotch whiskey. It's not the best whiskey in the world, but for the price, the taste is hard to beat, and #2, I haven't been to a casino in Vegas that didn't have it, and didn't give it away for free. Well, except Imperial Palace. I played at the nickel slots over there and ordered Dewar's, but whatever I got was whiskey, but it certainly was not Dewar's. It's my "daily driver" of whiskies, so to speak.