Tuesday, 10 September 2002
mm, I'm not really sure how this update is gonna go, so if it turns ranty, or something, I'm sorry. Anyway. I'll start from Sunday night. I went to Spreckles Theater for the Daily Bread video premiere, another skate video edited by my friend Jan... afterwards, I went to the afterparty where there were a few bands playing. Honey Bucket, in particular, caught my attention, as they were an extremely good live act. Their sound is very Limp Bizkit-ish, with the addition of a keyboardist whose got a couple of keyboards including an old Moog lookin' thing. Anyway... they were a pretty good band to see live and I even scored a free CD with 4 songs on it... of course, those songs are also available for download on their website.
I noticed today that cyn wrote something about the angry turtle cam -- she incorrectly identified it as being my turtle though. Actually, it's Cami's turtle. It's just my old computer running the turtle cam and neither of us has set up a permanent home on the web for the page just yet. That turtle spends a good portion of its life trying to escape. She used to keep it in this boring purple container, and he'd spend most of the day trying to climb out. Then when cami fixed up the aquarium for him, he was happy... for about one day. And then he went back to trying to escape all the time.
I've been on sort of a creative burst lately, looking to improve my video editing skills. To that end, I grabbed some footage of a drunken rbper (adev, in this case) from the labor day weekend party that ren threw. You can see this video here. Uh, warning on the content though.
Now that he's out of town and can't protest, I'm gonna talk about good ol' Swank Condo Josh, the closet geek. If you have downloaded the vegas meet video outro, you may have noticed him suddenly bringing up the subject of Captain Picard, out of the blue, in the middle of the Vegas strip. That, my friends, is a true geek. But he's constantly running away from his geekiness, trying to perfect himself into being the ultimate ladies man or something.
Poking fun at him on my site and over AIM entertains me to no end, and last night, while bored, I made this little piece of flash to poke a little more fun at him. I figure he deserves it, since even though he spends a huge portion of his day reading and posting on the riceboypage message board (which is now in some secret location) as "Sonnyboy", he refused to come down to San Diego (which is only a little more than an hour away from Anaheim, where he is at right now) to meet with us. His reasoning? Because he's going to be with his friends. Yup, I guess his friends are just too cool to hang out with the geeks that he hangs out with for hours every day online with... So to josh... I dedicate that little piece of flash to you one day embracing your true self.
And though Josh may publicly protest my use of his image in such a scene, I think that inside, he secretly wishes he really was wearing that uniform, talking to the Captain on the bridge. And who knows, maybe one day i'll gather up enough energy to make a big production out of this little idea :)
Speaking of big productions, I've had footage from that short movie "Bryan Hong's Life of Bryan" sitting dormant for some time. It's supposed to show just how boring the life of an internet celebrity really is. Unfortunately, that project has been on hold for a few months, and since I rearranged my room a couple months back, I haven't figured out a way for me to shoot the ending just yet... well actually I've been too lazy to figure out how I am going to shoot the ending. But perhaps one day I will complete it and the whole world can see what it's like to be me. Or something.
Hmmm. It's September 10th. I guess I'm supposed to say something about September 11th. Well. I'm trying to avoid all the documentaries and other junk going on TV. To be honest, it's the same old shit we've been seeing for the past year. Does that sound cold? I don't know. Actually, one of the few interesting things I've seen about the World Trade Center in the last few months was on the History Channel this week... and it was about the irreplaceable, material things that were lost in the attack.
Perhaps people just thought it wasn't appropriate to talk about loss of material posessions before, due to the enormous human loss. But after a year of sob stories and stories of heroism played out over and over again with just the details changed... this was a refreshing change. A large collection of photos of JFK shot by the one photographer who could really capture the family... lost forever. Artifacts from an archeological dig... lost forever. The artwork that used to be in and around the WTC, mostly lost forever. The memorial to the people who died in the 1993 WTC attack was almost completely destroyed, except for one tiny fragment. For some reason, hearing about this stuff was just a lot more interesting to me now.
Anyway. Have a good rest of the week, folks.