Sunday, 15 September 2002
ometimes, I hate computers. Why can't things just work the way they are supposed to? I'm here this weekend at my parents' place, stuck with no internet access. The cable modem does not get a clean signal and cannot pick up an IP address. Grrr. I can't get dialup either because suddenly, the phone line is so dirty (i mean there is searious audible crackling going on when you just pick up the phone) that if I'm lucky enough to actually be able to get a modem connection, it won't last for more than 2 minutes.
My parents' keyboard has a "T" that sticks, and they asked me to buy a new one for them. For whatever reason, the computer won't detect it if you just turn it on... it won't see the keyboard until you unplug it and then re-plug it back in. My sister's computer has all kinds of spyware on it that was installed because she can't help but download and install every program on the internet that seems like it'll make her computer act more cute... and these hidden programs don't like to get uninstalled... in fact, running the existing uninstall program on one of them does a pretty good job of actually reinstalling itself. And now, even as I type this, my laptop computer has started making some strange noises... So yeah. To get the frustration out, I guess I'm writing this up even though I will not be able to upload it until who knows when.
So what am I doing up here in LA anyway? Well, the main two reasons why I'm up here are that it's my sister's brithday on tuesday, and I needed to get my car smogged by wednesday and my mom had all the paperwork. Also yesterday, I paid a visit to Felix from the message board, who lives in Redondo Beach. He ordered the De La Hoya / Vargas fight and we watched it with some friends, including Snoopy a guy who also posts on the board, but was out visiting from Pennsylvania.
The last two nights I've gotten a lot of sleep, but woken up feeling not too well rested. Hrm. Well, I don't know what else to say, so I guess I'll just go to sleep, and I hope I get some kind of internet access back tomorrow!!
Friday, 20 September 2002
ell, not a whole lot happened this week, except I really got to catch up on some DVD Reviews -- after a pathetic August with only two reviews, I've really come back strong this month, most recently reviewing Legally Blonde, Training Day, The Kid, Donnie Darko and Saving Private Ryan. I also re-reviewed Chasing Amy because the old review I had was quite inadequate. This one is much more thorough.
And that's all I've really got to talk about since really, not a whole lot happened this week... and oh yeah, I'm back in LA again this weekend. Oh, almost forgot to mention, I finally saw the movie Simone at the theater, the one where Al Pacino is a movie director on the downhill side of his career that creates a digital actress that becomes a star -- but no one knows she's not real... it was a very entertaining movie. Welp, that's all I guess.