Tuesday, 22 October 2002
onight I cleaned out the refrigerator for the first time in what has probably been several months, and it would suffice to say that I think I discovered at least 3 or 4 new life forms. If nothing else, I recovered a few pieces of tupperware that I completely forgot we even had. So. Cami's been gone on her Caribbean cruise. It's been pretty empty around here. I guess I know now how she felt during one of my many near week long stints in Vegas. I do miss her being around.
I've added a new thing to my Casino Diaries site, it's called "Basic Blackjack Tips For the Novice Player". If you've got a Casino Diaries account, check it out. Also, I fixed the message board on there which has been down for a few months. And I added another long overdue update.
Saturday, 26 October 2002
re you wondering what kind of crazy adventures I've been having during this week without Cami in the house? Well I regret to inform you that my only adventure this week was getting food poisoning. Woohoo. I ate something on Tuesday night, and lemme tell ya, that was a rough night. But the next day was even worse. But even worse than the next day, was the next night. I ended up sleeping about 16 hours... but waking up every 3 hours to have to go to the bathroom... yeah, not too pretty.
Jeff did show up at my place a couple nights ago to bring me some stuff from the grocery store so I could eat something... easier to digest, and that helped out a lot, thanks Jeff. Anyway, even today I'm still not 100% back, but I'm feeling much, much better, and I'm eating solid foods, and able to function as a normal human being now. Whew. But yeah, I pretty much wasted my week on this little incident.
You know those Apple "switch" commercials on TV? The ones that have PC users all up in arms about how "unrealistic" they are? The ones that have been parodied on the internet about 5,000,000,000 times? Well I think these are even funnier than any of those parodies. They are actual Apple "switch" commercials for the Japanese market. I have absolutely no idea what these people are saying, but just listening to them talk and watching them emote cracks me up! http://www.apple.co.jp/switch/.