Tuesday, 3 December 2002
ow in the world can it already be December? I mean, I've heard time goes by faster as you get older, but this is just ridiculous. If time goes by this fast now, by the time I'm 40 I think a year will seem like maybe a few days! Hmm. So what's new. Not a whole lot. I added a movie to my dvd review page,and since I'm feeling lazy right now I'm not going to link it for you.
I feel very lucky in so many ways, and today I'd like to talk about just one of those ways. I'm glad that unlike the vast majority of other people who own camcorders, I actually have videos that I've made that I actually watch... and enjoy watching again and again. I think most people who have camcorders record stuff and never watch it again...
I'm not sure if it's because I actually have more exciting things to watch than most people, or if it's just because I tend to edit events down to manageable clips where all the good parts are condensed into a few minutes, so that I don't have to sit through endless boring hours of junk just to see some good stuff.
I think a lot of it is actually the latter. I mean, when you consider my Vegas Meet 2002 video, which is the longest thing I've ever edited at around 18 minutes long... I started with around 5 hours of footage which I then cut down to 18 minutes! I'm pretty sure I would not be watching much stuff from Vegas this past summer if I had to sit through that much crap just to see the few good parts! It's much better to have all of the good stuff together in one place!
But I guess I'd like to think that it's also partially because I'm doing fun stuff that's worth seeing again. Either way, I'm glad that I have fun stuff to do, and that I know how to make it so that I'll want to watch myself doing that fun stuff again. Makes me feel like my camcorder really was a great investment.