Monday, 23 December 2002
nly a couple of days left before Christmas! Actually, Cami, Jeff, Leanne and I exchanged our gifts last night... Cami and Jeff got me the coolest gift -- it's a 1:18 scale Delorean time machine from Back to the Future Part II! It's very detailed, and appears to actually be made of stainless steel! It's got the Mr. Fusion, and there's even a little lever on the bottom you can pull to make the tires flip sideways for flying!
For Cami I got a nice set of computer speakers so that she doesn't have to use headphones anymore, and for Jeff, I got him a copy of the Director's Edition (or whatever it is) of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which is like, his favorite movie because not only is it a Star Trek movie, but it also has other girlfriend, Kirstie Alley, who as much as he may try to deny it, he is madly in love with. I think her Vulcan ears in this movie turn him on even more.
I feel kinda bad cuz I think Leanne got me way cooler stuff than I got for her. I guess I'll just have to make up for it some other time. Hmm. So what else...
For those of you who may be wanting to increase your nerdiness, check out the left column of my DVD Review and check out "All About Pan and Scan", which explores different methods of making widescreen movies fit on a standard TV -- I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions about some of it. I dunno, I was bored. Anyway, you'll either be totally bored by it, or you might even find you learned something. But I'm just letting you know it's there.
Welp, that's about all I gotta say for now. Nitol.