Friday, July 4 2003
id I really go a full month without updating this thing? Hmmm, I guess so! Well, I guess I'll stop slacking! Forst of all, today was the Fourth of July and we did a bunch of stuff because, well, we live in a neighborhood that is cool like Mira Mesa that has things like parades and fireworks shows all within walking distance of home, or rather Jeff's home, who lives like 2 blocks away, but all the stuff was like 2 blocks from his place. Of course, one of my favorite things to do whenever they block off a busy street like Mira Mesa Blvd. is to walk all over the middle of it. Especially since this street gets soooooo freakin' packed during a normal day that I try to avoid driving on it at all costs! Check out pics of the parade and the fireworks show at my giant repository of pics to see everything!

You might say that the highlight of the parade every year is the group of nerds that dresses up as Klingons! Cami and I have actually seen a bunch of Klingons hanging out at a park around here once. That was kind of weird, but at the same time it made me think that if we were living in the world of Star Trek: The Next Generation it probably wouldn't be that uncommon of a sight. Other highlights of the parade including seeing San Diego mayor Dick Murphy (I was so close I could have killed him if I were so inclined), Larry Himmel (local TV personality), and about 10 different winners of 10 different Filipina beauty pageants. I guess if you can't win at one, just enter another one and eventually you'll be "Miss Philippines-such-and-such" for the year!

After sitting in the hot, hot sun for the parade, we walked back over to Jeff and Ben's place and enjoyed some air-conditioned goodness, as well as some barbequed food while waiting for it to get dark for the fireworks show, which we got a great view of from the middle of the baseball field, again, just 2 blocks away from where Jeff and Ben live. We actually got a pretty decent spot, even though people had been waiting since around noon when the parade ended. Mostly because the people who were waiting around that long waited around in the shade. Well, shade comes from trees, and those foos had trees blocking their view. We didn't have anyone between us and the fireworks for at least 100 yards, so we got a nice unobstructed view.
And I'd like to reiterate just how much I like living in Mira Mesa, just cuz of little things like this. When I lived in the UTC/UCSD area, there was nothing like this, ever. It was just full of students and wannabe yuppies with their housing associations and sticks so far up their asses that they'd never appreciate just a little bit of Americana like this... they'd just complain about the street being closed! When I moved in with Cami (who was already living here), I already knew I wanted to move somewhere where "regular people" lived. Families. Kids playing in the street. Stuff like that. Cuz after 5 years of living near UCSD... I was ready to just be where real people are.
And now, after such a long day filled with so much activity, I am sooo tired. Oh yes, in other news, I have finally modified my DVD Review Site to break up the list of reviews into multiple parts. I had originally planned to do this when I got to 100 reviews... I'm actually close to 200 now. But I've been slacking off on the reviews lately, so I've vowed to make up for it in July and watch a bunch of movies. I've already reviewed two DVDs this month!