Tuesday, 22 July 2003
appy birthday to me! My birthday was on Sunday, and though the major part of my birthday weekend was not all I was hoping it would be, getting back to San Diego on Sunday evening was great and hanging out with Cami, Jeff and Ben really cheered me up a lot, and put me in a great mood. First of all, Cami prepared an awesome meal, which we then followed up with a trip to Farrell's, the old-style ice cream parlor. Num!

On the way there we rode in Jeff's Buick. I swear, every time I ride in this thing, I feel like I am inside the movie The Godfather or something. What a sweet ride. When we got back home I opened the presents that they had gotten me, and man there was some cool stuff. I got a sautee pan with straight, vertical sides (yay, no more food falling out of the pan when I sautee!!), a gift certificate to the homestarrunner.com store (which I used to order a Stinkoman shirt), and the best thing was a new BBQ grill! This grill is awesome becuase it's just the right size for our apartment.

You see, a grill that is too small has inconsistent heat. There's not enough coals to maintain a consistent temperature, and if it's a really small grill, the edges will be way cooler than the middle. This one is just big enough to have a nice consistent heat and has enough surface area for four people's worth of food to fit on it (which is exactly how many people can fit at our kitchen table!), yet it's not so big that we have to use up a ton of coals to get it hot enough to cook. Plus, the legs are kinda short so that it's the perfect hight for the person tending to the grill to be able to sit down comfortably in a chair... what a perfect grill for our little apartment!

So tonight we fired up the grill for the first time and used it to cook up some of the albacore tuna that Jeff brought back from his fishing trip last week, and man oh man was it ever good! My mouth is watering just looking at this picture! And the albacore steaks were so huge! If I had died right after eating dinner tonight, I would have died the world's happiest, most content man.
And so now I am 26 years old, and I am determined to make this, my twentysixth year my most awesome, most kick-ass year ever, for no other reason than the fact that, well, it's my twentysixth year! Big things are gonna happen this year, and now that I've publicly declared this, now I must make sure it happens!