Tuesday, 2 September 2003
id you have a good labor day weekend? My friend Andy had a revelation. All of our friends are in our mid-twenties... and we'd probably never play dodge ball ever again. Then the brilliant idea to get a bunch of people and play dodge ball appeared. So us and some RBP regulars met up at a local elementary school on Sunday and played some freakin' dodge ball! Man, I can't describe how much fun I had. It really brought me back. Afterwards, we played some poker, and we actually got the neighbor guy from downstairs to coem up that time. We'd been inviting him for some time but never got him up there until Sunday.
This has been a weekend of BBQ! I believe it was Saturday evening that we had a BBQ at our place, and then on Monday we met up at Leanne's place for some more BBQ. She made a great tri-tip. Man I ate so much this weekend... I probably gained like 5 pounds!
Nothing else to say except to say that I may be making some big changes in my life soon. We'll see what happens...
Thursday, 4 September 2003
othing like having your feet in the salt water of the pacific with your guitar slung over your shoulder, singing your heart out with no one around but the stars. sand and the waves as your audience. What joy, what peace, what satisfaction! By the way, there are some pics of dodge ball over at the Giant Repository of Pics. Enjoy!