Wednesday, 24 September 2003
mmmm, it's been some time since my last update. Ooops. Actually I've noticed that compared to other years, I seem to have very few updates this year. I'm not sure if that's because I am more busy (not likely) or just more lazy (more likely). Well, let's see, what can I talk about, about the time since? Actually, a lot of the reason why I haven't updated in a while is because I've been doing a lot of what I would call "wrestling" with my computers. Actually, one specific computer in general.
You see, being the huge nerd that I am, I have several computers here. But I have two main ones. A Mac one (which recently, after my upgrade to OS X) became my #1 computer, and a Windows 2000 one, which is currently my #2. Well, for a couple of months, my win2k machine had been acting very strangely, and I decided I should probably format and reinstall Windows on that computer, especially considering the fact that I hadn't done so in *YEARS*. In fact, there was probably some data on my hard drive that dated back to January of 2000, which is the last time I can remember having to completely reinstall windows after a hard drive crash (which I wrote about if you go back and look at those ancient entries).
Well, since then I'm pretty sure I've gone through at least 2 or 3 different motherboard and processor combinations and two or three different operating systems. In other words, there was a bunch of junk on my hard drive that didn't need to be there and I was willing to bet that the old junk was partially responsible for my problems. Well... in some ways, I wish I had never decided to fix this situation.
Because 10 days ago (when I decided to do this), I found out it would not be so simple. After some wrestling, I deduced that there must be some problem with some piece of my hardware. So, using deductive reasoning, I started to swap out pieces of my computer with different ones, trying to weed out the one piece that was causing the problem. Well, there came a point where I had actually replaced *EVERY* single piece of hardware in my computer and it still didn't work. I had what essentially amounted to a completely different computer from what I had started with and I still ran into the exact same error. It was rather strange.
Well, I finally today, with the help of my friend Andy (and some more computer hardware he brought) figured out what the problem was and spent most of this day instaling Windows and reinstalling all my old programs and such. What a waste of a week and a half! But now, I hope I will be able to get some work done, as the computer that was down is actually the one I use as my file server -- which contains all of my workfiles for all my clients' websites!
On a totally different front... there are several new DVD reviews on my DVD Review Site. Also, the other day, I watched 8 Simple Rules, which last season became my new favorite TV show. Well... it was definitely very funny but it was rather depressing because of the death of John Ritter. Now I know the same day Johnny Cash died, but really, I am more bummed about John Ritter. Perhaps because it was so sudden and unexpected (vs. Johnny Cash who was already old and in failing health). I don't know. But it really made me sad to see some of the last work of someone who has brought so much joy to so many people's lives.
I also checked out the pilot for that new NBC show Las Vegas. I personally did not like it too much. I can't say I hated it, but I definitely can say I was somewhat disappointed. What could have been such a great program on a subject matter that is just rich with possibe new, original story lines, turned out to be anything but. In fact, I found it to be horribly generic.
It was full of generic "gee whiz, Vegas is cool and full of tons of behind the scenes stuff I never knew about". Well yeah, the real Vegas is, but the show Vegas was just totally unrealistic and over the top. Not only did it depict casino surveillance personel doing things they would never be doing (chasing down whales? That's the host's job! And hiring casino hosts?? WTF?), it was just overall rather unimaginitive. I particularly didn't like the shows reliance on voice-overs, a device which perhaps could have been used in new and unique ways... but rather, Las Vegas used them more as a crutch for exposition to reveal plot points that perhaps could have better been shown to us, rather than told.
All this being said, I am willing to give it another chance (or two). But if it remains as disappointing as the pilot episode was to me, I think I'd rather go back to watching CSI: Miami on Monday nights. And with that, I will be leaving you, as it is damned near 4am on Thursday now. Bye all!