Tuesday, 27 January 2004
his is just a short little update to announce that I'm starting a regular live weekly internet radio broadcast, K-RiCE. I'll be playing all kinds of music, blathering on about nonsense, and generally not being a very good DJ, but it's fun. It'll be Wednesday Nights starting at 9:15PM pacific. I guess that kinda leaves out most of the east coasters, but oh well. You can tune in two different ways.
The first way is to point your web browser to http://www.twentysix.net:8004 and then click on the link that says "listen". Bear in mind that in many browsers (especially interent explorer), the "http://" is critical, if you're typing it in manually. Another way is if you have Winamp, you can launch winamp, hit CTRL-L and enter in http://www.twentysix.net:8004/ as the host. There are similar ways to listen in using iTunes as well.
Also this saturday I'm planning a drive through the hills and mountains of San Diego. It's mainly gonna be RBPer's, but any car enthusiasts are welcome to come out too. e-mail me if you are interested and want some details. Roughly, we'll be meeting in Rancho Bernardo for breakfast, heading down Highland Valley Rd down toward Wildcat Canyon road, past Barona, then take the 8 out to Sunrise Highway which we'll take up to Julian. We'll break there for food and whatnot. From Julian we'll take the east grade up to Palomar Mountain, where we'll take a short break at the observatory. Then down the south grade back toward Jullian, and then from there back to Wildcat Canyon Rd where we'll end up at Barona Casino and call it a day. Again, if you're interested, drop me an email and I'll send you details of where and when to meet.