Tuesday, 6 April 2004
ey, would you look at that? Two weeks in a row with updates! And there's actually stuff to talk about too. I guess I'll start with Sunday where we went out to the brand new Petco Park to watch the Padres take on the Mariners in a pre-season exhibition game. Lemme tell you, this is one fantastic ballpark! Warm sun, cool ocean breeze, amazing views of the bay and downtown... I don't think they could have made this ballpark any more "San Diego" than it is. Some people gripe that some public money was spent on a baseball team that, to put it succinctly, sucks, but I say that it's great for San Diego, and will benefit the community greatly. I love it. I'll be back for sure. And I don't even really like sports all that much!
Tomorrow I'll be getting the keys to my new apartment. This week I've been starting to pack. I say "starting to" because I haven't done a whole lot of packing. Instead, I've been going through my boxes that I haven't looked inside since the last time I moved... or even the time I moved before that. Some of the stuff in there has real sentimental value, but a lot of it is just plain junk and I've been trying to lighten my load by getting rid of it.
I did find some cool little tidbits from the past, like the door tags from my freshman year in college with mine and Kenny's name on it. I also found a birthday card that I believe I got from Cami before we had even actually met in person. "Have a great 19th birthday," it says. Good God, has it really been that long? It doesn't seem that long ago that I was in the CAPE office in the basement of Galbraith Hall exchanging emails back and forth with Cami at her little government job...
I did manage to pack up my DVDs, VHS tapes and video game consoles. As I was packing up my Nintendo Entertainment System I realized that it was 19 years old. Now mind you, I'm not one of those twentysomething retro 80's guys that went out and bought a used NES to try to relive my past. Oh no, this Nintendo is the very same one I owned as a kid, and the game cartridges I play in it are the very same ones I played with back in the day. Good God, has it really been that long? It certainly doesn't seem like that long ago that I was blowing into cartridges, visiting the wrong castles and exploring the dungeon mazes of Hyrule for the first time... It's too bad the light gun doesn't work with my TV though. I guess Nintendo's designers never expected it to be used with anything other than a CRT.
I think Cami and I are both happy that we're moving out of this apartment right now. Just in time, really. This apartment complex has really gone down the crapper. Over the last year or so they've been performing these "renovations" but somehow, things seem to get worse with each thing they update. There's this mailbox that everyone uses. It's made of wood, and it was totally falling apart. A few months ago they decided to repaint the entire apartment complex, including that mailbox. Of course, they never bothered to actually fix the mailbox. Nope, despite the fact that it was literally falling apart, they just repainted it... even the pieces that were just hanging off into nothingness. Great show of effort, guys.
And honestly, the quality of the neighbors has gone down too. There used to be kids playing in the courtyard all the time. Not anymore. Parents are too afraid to let their kids out with the new neighbors who are very blatantly dealing drugs out of their apartment and all of the sketchy folks that come with that sort of activity. And yet, they keep wanting to raise our rent here. And having my car get stolen out of the parking lot here every couple of years has been a real drag as well. Yup. As much as we liked this apartment, it really is time to go.
Ah, yes... if you've been wondering about the lack of pictures in the last couple updates, the explanation for that is the fact that my camera is broken :(. But I think I may have a way to get it fixed for free... I hope. And finally... it's not just this update that I'm trying to be good with again... the DVD Review has been getting a lot more action lately as well. Check it out!
Friday, 9 April 2004
his is the last update I'll be making from this apartment. There's no way I'll have everything packed up by tomorrow. I've just amassed way too much stuff. But I'll make sure all the major important stuff gets moved tomorrow. But there'll be a lot of little stuff left over. But I have this place until Tuesday, so that gives me some time.
I hate moving. But I am glad that I am moving out of this apartment. The more and more I think about it, the more and more I am dissatisfied with this place. But boy do I hate having to pack up every little thing. And what's worse is that the DSL at the new place which was scheduled to be turned on Monday has been pushed back to Thursday. Ugh, dialup :( Welp, I better get back to packing so I can go to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour cuz I have to wake up early.