Sunday, 16 May 2004
he next 7 days or so are going to just be absolutely bonkers for me. Tomorrow (Sunday) I'm going to be driving up to L.A. (it's still "Saturday night" to me right now). Monday I'll be driving back to San Diego. Tuesday I'm driving to Vegas, and Thursday I'll be driving back to San Diego, only to drive back up to L.A. again on next Sunday. Weeeee.
Talk about just straight internet madness... last night (Friday), Jeff was being interviewed on the street in front of the Chinese Theater in L.A. for the Jimmy Kimmel show, by the guy on the internet who made his own 'Tron' costume!!!
As it was actually going down, I got several frantic and excited phone calls from both Jeff and Cami about what was going on. I was properly advised and managed to get it all on tape. Click on the image below to see the video -- it's a 7.6 megabyte quicktime file, by the way.

My last update I mentioned something about getting some pictures out showing the new layout of my room. The problem is that like the very next day I rearranged a bit more in my room and decided I shouldn't post a pic of how my room was for just like one day. One of these days I'll get to borrowing Matt's camera again to show you guys what it's like now.
Anyways, It's time for me to sign off... I've got a long day and a long, long week ahead of me. Peace out.
Monday, 17 May 2004
K... so I'm in L.A. now and just found out that I actually have to be back here in L.A. on Friday... not Saturday as I had originally thought. This throws a wrench into my original plans, but I think everything will work out. San Diego tonight, Vegas tomorrow. L.A. again on Thursday. Craziness.
One of the things I thought I was gonna miss about leaving the Mira Mesa area of San Diego was the Mira Mesa Street Fair. Not so much because it was such a cool fair, but just because I thought it was cool that I was living in a community that would close down a street to have such an event. Not like stuffy old La Jolla where I used to live!
Well yesterday before I left San Diego I found out I didn't have anything to miss at all... because the North Park Spring Festival is like 5000 times better. It's like 3 times bigger, and has like 4 stages with live music... not the one stage of karaoke they had in Mira Mesa haha. And it also happened like, literally right outside of my building. Neato.
Anyways, I've got a ton of stuff to take care of before I leave L.A. this evening so... ok!
elp, I'm back in SD. I'm waiting for my computer to finish processing some video stuff for my grandmother's big shindig in LA on Friday. I've borrowed my sister's 2004 Mini Cooper S so I can cruise up to Vegas in style! Actually, the main reason why I traded cars with my sister for this week is because I'm anticipating needing more than the 2 seats my car has while I'm out in Nevada. Kind of ironic when you need to borrow a car called "Mini" because you need a bigger car than what you've got haha.
It's kind of funny though because I think both me and my sister got the better end of the bargain on this deal haha. The Mini is definitely very fun to drive! Plus it's just so damned cool. So damned cool I had to take a picture of me standing in front of it in the parking garage in my building haha.

Tomorrow I plan to take off around noon for Vegas. And I can't freakin' wait because it's been way, way, way, way, way, way, way too long since the last time I've been. Also, I've borrowed my dad's digital camera, so you should see some pics from my little trip. Anyway, I better get to bed soon cuz I've got a long day tomorrow!
Tuesday, 18 May 2004
egas, baby, Vegas!! I made pretty damned good time out here today. Woohoo,
Rick from Magnum, P.I.! Too bad I won't be here when he's there. Oh well.
I had dinner with Scott and Summer... they used to live in San Diego but
recently moved to Las Vegas. It was good seeing them again. After dinner
I took them down to the Riviera where they got to meet Jeanette while
she was taking on some challenge matches for charity.
So far, the dice have not
particularly been rolling my way. Oh well. Maybe things will turn around
tomorrow! But for now I'm going to bed cuz it's nearly 3am!!
Thursday, 20 May 2004
'm back in L.A. now. And I guess I'll recount the things that happened in Vegas in reverse chronological order. Seems like it'll be easier to recall them that way. Oh, and don't forget to check out the giant repository of pics because there are a lot more pictures and also some more descriptions of stuff over there.
I took a long, scenic route back to southern California, first starting out west from Vegas and then south through Death Valley. Going this way was awesome. The views were just amazing, and the whole place was just deserted. I mean, there was one section where I drove for literally 10 miles without seeing a single man-made object other than the road itself (and of course, everything I brought with me). No other cars, no power lines, not even airplanes overhead. Just rocks and desert and nature.
I ended up meeting back up with I-15 in Baker, and had dinner at the Bun Boy restaurant. Yay Bun Boy. I forgot about how they kept little books and mind puzzles at the tables... which you can get yourself addicted to, and then buy in their gift shop.
When I left Vegas this afternoon, I was leaving from the pool tournament, where both Jeanette and George were playing matches. I didn't stay until the end because I wanted to get to L.A. before it got too late, but according to the WPBA website, they both won those matches, though they were losing when I left. Maybe I'm bad luck? Then again, I found out that they both played second matches today, during the time I was driving... and they both lost. Hmm.
Last night I discovered that Jeanette is quite the adept Boggle player. A little earlier than that, I tagged along with her on a photo shoot for some magazine ads. That was kind of fun, and kind of boring. She did get to keep this really cool bowling ball though. Check the pics page...
Earlier in the day I managed to get in some good time at the card tables, and won a bunch of money and ate a bunch of free food. I also paid a visit to the Gambler's General Store (man I love going to that place). OK. This is boring, why am I relating these details about this stuff that isn't even interesting? Haha.
So I guess I'll end with this -- after 4 days of driving my sister's Mini through a multitude of varying conditions -- everything from long road trips to bumper to bumper traffic to negotiating parking lots, etc... I gotta say, it's a very cool car, that is very fun to drive. Yet at the same time, I half-wished I had brought my convertible instead... the weather was just soooooooo fantastic.
Oh yeah and another thing -- I went to the Fashion Show mall to try to use this Bloomingdale's gift certificate (we don't have those in San Diego... did I write that in a previous thing?) and I found out that they don't have a regular Bloomingdale's there... it's a Bloomingdale's Home store... they only sell home furnishings there! *sigh* I guess I do have to go to the one in L.A. after all. So much for using that gift card as an excuse to go to Vegas haha. Then again, it did get me out there in the first place...
Anyway, I am tired as hell, and I got a long day tomorrow. Hmmm. Actually every day for the last 8 days or so have been "long days"... I need a vacation! Maybe one to Vegas. In the convertible this time. Before the weather gets too hot. Meh, I probably already missed the boat on that one. Any day now it'll go to being 100 degrees every day until October. Oh well.
Saturday, 22 May 2004
elp, I'm still in L.A. - My grandmother's big shindig last night was cool. Lots of important people in the L.A. Korean community were in attendance. Also generally lots of old people in attendance. Except for a couple of poor jr. high-ish kids who didn't know anybody, and people from my family, I don't think there was a single person in attendance under 40 years old.
But maybe now that they've actually seen me, perhaps one of those rich old ladies will want to hook their daughters up with me hahaha. Then again, maybe not.
So I've finally decided to join the 21st century and start using "Gallery" on my Giant Repository of Pics. It's not that I was afraid of the technology -- in fact, I've helped several people, including my sister, set up Gallery for their own use. It's just that I had SOOOOOO many pics to go through, it was just such a daunting task to import them all with their captions and everything.
So every time I wanted to add some more pictures, I just went through and did it the old fashioned way. Anyway. It took me a few hours to get just 2004 and 2003 up (which is probably less than 25% of the total number of pictures going back to late 2000), and that's despite the fact that I was having Gallery read the files directly off the server from where they already were. In other words, none of those hours were spent uploading pictures. Just importing them into the system, organizing the albums, and adding the captions in. Very tedious, and very boring to do it all at once.
But ultimately, this will save me time and effort, especially in situations like when I'm on the road. At least, that is what I am hoping.
So I was just now looking through my site logs and noticed I was getting a couple hits from this site. Looks like they linked to my JBX update. I noticed that they also had me in their list of San Diego bloggers. I didn't even know this site existed, but I'm not sure I really like being called a "blogger" since for one thing, I've been doing this long before "blogging" existed, and also because I don't use any blogger type tools for this site. In fact, most updates I type in all the html straight in by hand, the way I've been doing it since 1996.
Of course, that doesn't mean I don't use any HTML editors at all for anything, especially when it comes to site file management and site-wide link changing and stuff, and writing commonly used javascript code that doesn't really need to be done by hand every time... but when it comes to this update... I dunno, I've always just typed in the code by hand.
And I definitely don't use some kind of third party site management system that lets me just fill out some web forms and have my site be automatically updated, haha. Heck, I get paid big bucks to build that kind of stuff for my clients haha. But maybe I'll check out the links on that site anyway... I bet there's gotta be at least a couple of cute chicks on there...
Tomorrow night I'll finally get back home to San Diego. And sleep in my own bed that doesn't really feel like my own bed yet because I've only slept in it like 6 times. But at least I'll hopefully be able to sleep as long as I want for at least that first night... I haven't had a real good night's sleep in like two weeks!! I can't wait...