Monday, 20 December 2004
onight I spent a few hours wrapping presents for my friends. The last couple days I have been furiously buying presents, and I'm nearly done with all of my Christmas shopping. I'm proud to say that I haven't yet brought anything from a shopping mall! So I hope my gifts are cool and original! My fingers seem to be kind of swollen from all the wrapping... I must be terribly out of shape!
Yesterday we had our second annual Thanksmas Dinner -- you know, that turkey dinner you can have with your friends after thanksgiving but before you all leave to visit your family for Christmas! Last year's Thanksmas dinner was held at me and Cami's old place... this year we had it at Cami and Jeff's new place! They finally got to move in and they are all but pretty much settled in now, and I must say, their place looks very nice!!
We had a bit of a "white elephant" gift exchange, except Cami and Jeff, our gracious hosts, actually provided all of the presents!! Can you say "score"?? I actually ended up getting my present jacked twice. I was one of the early choosers. The first thing I got was a globe with a pencil sharpener underneath, but Jeff's brother Greg ended up stealing that from me. The next thing I got was a mini FM radio headphone thingy, and I was thinking "Awesome! I can use this to listen to music in the poker room!", but that ended up getting jacked by Cami's sister Trista.
So next I ended up choosing a can of bath salts. I tried my damned hardest to sell it to any potential stealer, but no one was buying. As Leanne said, "Everyone knows girls already have plenty of bath salts." After it was all over, Trista offered to trade presents. She said she'd rather have the bath salts. I said I'd rather have the radio, and we agreed to trade. I think she was just being nice though. Thanks, Trista! :)
The day before that, a bunch
of us went to Balboa Park to show Clint (Trista's bf) around, because he'd
never been to San Diego before. I took this picture of everyone in front
of the big fountain... it came out kind of eerie looking! From left to right, it's Cami, Jeff, Len, Trista, and Clint... click for a bigger version.
On Friday morning the combination of a big swell and the offshore flow of the Santa Ana winds meant warm weather and big, glassy waves! I, personally, haven't surfed in a few years now, but I went down to La Jolla to see if I could get some good pictures of the guys that were surfing that day. I think I came up with a few decent ones, and you can find them in my giant repository of pics.
Welp, that's about it for tonight! Hi Jenny!