Sunday, 3 April 2005
ey neat! The URL of this page says "050403" haha. Ok. Anyways. Meet Cheyenne Lee Breedlove. This little cutie is sure to be seen tearing up a pool table near you, just as soon as she gets big enough to pick up a cue stick. This weekend was the annual WPBA tournament at Viejas Casino. It's not often that Jeanette comes around to San Diego, so I usually make the trek way out to Viejas Casino to hang out and cheer her on and whatnot. Heck, I usually make the trek out to Vegas to do the same at the BCA Open 9 Ball tournament at the Riviera every May, but this year I wasn't able to get out to the Viejas tournament due to previous work-related obligations.
But I had to make sure we hooked up sometime while she was in town because I just had to meet her cute little daughter whom she brought with her... previously I'd only seen the pictures of Cheyenne I put up on Jeanette's site for her. So we ended up meeting for lunch at a Korean restaurant while she was on her way out of town to her next stop. When they rolled up, Cheyenne was fast asleep. I don't know, I just can't think of any more peaceful sight than a sleeping baby. Then again, maybe it only seems peaceful in contrast to the hell I know the little tykes are capable of raising, haha. All I know is that I got the same feeling I got when my old friend Zac's daughter was born -- "I gotta get me one of these!".
What the heck? Men my age aren't supposed to be having these kinds of feelings... right? Hmmmm. Then again, maybe I only have these feelings because it's perfectly safe for me to have them now. After all, I'm missing some pretty big pieces to the baby-making puzzle right now, like for example, a woman of some sort, just for starters. So maybe I feel safe expressing these feelings because I know that I'm in no danger of actually becoming a father at this point in time.

In other news, Cami and Jeff brought home a new HDTV this evening. Me, being the unofficial HDTV good will ambassador, I brought over my old over-the-air HDTV receiver which I was recently able to decomission, thanks to my cable company finally picking up WB-HD. I had been getting all of my HDTV programming from my cable company, except WB. I basically turned that OTA box once a week just to watch Smallville in high definition, haha. Anyways, I just didn't feel right about someone bringing home a new HDTV and not even being able to watch anything in high definition on it. It's also sad just how many people who have brought home HDTV sets and believed they were looking at a high definition picture, when actually, they weren't. I'm here to spread the joy, I guess :).
I wasn't even sure if we'd be able to pick up any channels with my super awesome BBQ-grill-lookin' indoor UHF antenna at their house because they kinda live in the bottom of a canyon. Turned out we had to put it out in the patio to get any reception, but we did manage to pick up a couple of high defintion channels with it. You can see the awesome antenna positioning device that Jeff and I built in this picture taken by Cami.
They are planning on signing up to get HD service through their cable company, but I told them they could keep my OTA box for as long as they needed, or until the San Diego UPN station goes digital (they broadcast from Mexico so they are not bound by the FCC's requirement to be broadcasting in digital)... becuase chances are the cable companies won't add the channel right away, and I sure would like to be able to watch Veronica Mars in high definition! Hmm now that I think of it, though I've been on TV several times in the past, last week was the first time I'd ever been seen in high definition (even though *I* didn't get to see myself in high definition). Wow, it's really nerdy of me to be thinking of that, isn't it?
Don't forget to tune in to your local UPN affiliate this Tuesday at 9PM for another brand new episode of Veronica Mars, featuring incredibly lifelike performances from an amazing crew of background performers! And I guess I gotta give props to Second A.D. Dan Mulvaney for being largely responsible for just what it is we do there in the background. Actually I only put his name there so I can see if I can catch him googling his own name, haha. Everybody does it! And actually this week I need to not look for myself so much during the episode, haha. I totally missed on some important dialog in the episode because I was concentrating so hard on trying to find myself in the background haha.
Welp it's getting late, time to go relax!
Tuesday, 5 April 2005
id you see me on Veronica Mars tonight? If you watched and didn't see me, I don't blame you. I wasn't in it a whole lot, but I did still spot myself in a couple of spots... and also found some sections where I know I was there, but I never showed up on screen, haha. Anyways, here we go!

That's me in the background, apparently studying very hard!
The other guy is actually on the U.S. Luge team. Or Skeleton. One of those.

You can't see me, but I'm in the back row on the right, just beyond the
right edge of the frame, writing rap lyrics into my bluebook.

Wait for me! I gotta get on that bus!

Actually this bus I'm getting on is pointing
straight into the cafeteria/flagpole/quad area.

That's me walking through the frame. And that's my roommate's backpack I'm wearing.
Don't forget to dune in next Tuesday at 9PM for the next new episode of Veronica Mars!! It's gonna guest star Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Joey Lauren Adams, and I'm gonna be walking around in the background too! Check it out! And now on a completely different topic....

Last football season, the San Diego Chargers did quite well, after having so many years of suckage. All the sudden, all these "fair weather fans" popped up. And as a result, people who accused other people of being fair weather fans popped up. Well, how do you prove that you're not just a bandwagoner? Well, with baseball season now in full swing (har har) I decided I'd post this.
During my quick trip to Vegas in February, I went to the Sahara casino sports book and placed a $5 bet on the San Diego Padres winning the National League Pennant this year. It's got a date stamp on it that shows I placed the bet on February 20, 2005... well before the season even started! So now when the Padres start kicking some major ass and I sport some Padres gear and someone accuses me being a bandwagoner, I can say, "Look! I bet before the season started that the Padres would win the pennant!" and have actual proof of it too! Of course, I had to keep it kind of realistic. I mean, there's no way the Padres are gonna beat the Yankees in the World Series. So take that! Haters!
On the other hand, what else but fair weather fans would you expect from the peopel who live here. I mean, we've all chosen to live in San Diego... of course we're gonna be fair weather fans! We're here because we're fans of fair weather!! Ok. Now that was really cheesy of me to say. But it is true. Nobody moved here to live a difficult life :)
Friday, 8 April 2005
ere's another tidbit for Veronica Mars fans. Last night I was walking home from my local KFC when I saw something that looked really familiar to me. Not just because I walk by this place all the time... but because it seemed very similar to the location used in this week's episode "Kanes & Abel's" as the office of rival private investigator, Vincent Vanlowe. After getting home I went back and looked at that episode, and sure enough, this was shot just a couple of blocks from my apartment! So i decided to take a little walk back there today to take some pics.

Strangely enough, when I got there I ran into a couple that was there to take basically the same photos I did, except I'm pretty sure they were there to get shots of the old neon signs for Stern's gym and the Chinese laundry place next door... I dunno, they just looked a bit... old to be out spotting VM locations. Then again they could be location scouting for some other production, who knows.
UPDATE! It turns out I did actually appear in the classroom screen, but only in the 16:9 HDTV version (we don't get UPN-HD in San Diego)... here are screencaps from the HDTV broadcast:
