Tuesday, 26 April 2005
appy 26th of the month, everybody!! If you're wondering why I didn't update at all last week (not even to post screen captures of me on Veronica Mars), it's because I was very busy, running around all over the place! On Wednesday afternoon I ended up heading out to Las Vegas to check out the National Association of Broadcasters convention, and also to explore a possible job opportunity out there. Good lord, the Las Vegas Convention Center is freakin' HUGE -- To actually walk by every booth you'd probably have to spend two full days there.
I ended up staying at my friend Adam's house... he's got three great danes, and man are they ever huge!! Perhaps the best illustration of their size I can give you is this pic of one of their paws compared to one of my hands. You can also see a couple other pics from my trip in the giant repository of pics... I never even end up going to the Strip at all this trip, though I did make a trip to downtown (gotta get my 99 cent shrimp cocktail and visit the Gambler's General Store!).
After spending a couple nights in Vegas, I headed for my parents' house in L.A. On the way there I passed through a couple of little rain showers. Of course I'm rolling with the top down, but as long as I'm moving, I don't get wet. Of course, other people don't know that, so I got some very strange looks from people. Actually I've driven in the rain with the top down many times before but most of the time it was in the middle of the city where everyone is too busy to care. But out in the middle of the Mojave desert, I was surrounded by bored passengers on road trips... some of them were definitely very confused, and one lady was smiling and waving at me, haha.
 Once I got to L.A. I was able to meet my sister's new dog. What a contrast... after just spending a few days with a couple of great danes, I get introduced to this tiny, tiny, tiny little thing. I mean like one of Adam's dog's paws is about the size of this little guy's head! Now I'm not a real big fan of little dogs, and I'm definitely not a fan of dressing dogs up... but this little guy is just too cute. He actually still doesn't have a name yet, even though she's had him for about 10 days now. He's also already four months old, so he ain't gonna be getting a whole lot bigger than that.
As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't really in last week's episode of Veronica Mars very much, but I did pop up in a couple of places (I also played human continuity error, again). Here are some of the screen caps I never got around to posting, until now:

Another day, another locker

I look so happy because I've been sneaking peeks into
the girl's bathroom

Let's play a game of "Where's Bryan"

Once again, just passing through
As for the episode that just aired tonight, I didn't see myself in it at all, though I know I worked in a couple of the scenes... oh well, it doesn't bother me that I didn't make it in there... I still got paid, after all, haha. I have a feeling I might be all over next weeks episode though... so yeah... UPN Tuesday night at 9PM!