Friday, 29 July 2005
t's been quite a long while since I last updated my site, and there is a lot to cover! I guess first and foremost I should mention that I am no longer a resident of San Diego. After 10 years away I've moved back to the L.A. area in order to attend film school. For the time being I'm living with my parents again, and though I've often told myself that the last thing I ever wanted to do was move back home but I've got to put my ego aside because this is an opportunity that I just can't pass up!
Actually I didn't think my decision to go to film school would be very well received by my family, but actually they've been extremely supportive... more than I could have ever imagined. Plus I think they're really glad just to have me back home again. At first I had this idea in my mind that coming back home was going to be absolutely terrible but actually the last three weeks I've been here have been pretty great... my family leaves me alone for the most part and I've been eating a lot of delicious home cooked Korean food... Also it's nice to be able to see my grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins more often.
Of course being here isn't without its drawbacks. I mean first of all, it's L.A. and not San Diego. The weather is definitely not quite as nice, and the traffic... so much worse, but I'll be really happy when August 1 rolls around when I definitely won't be signing a check for $1,100 to pay for rent! And the food! The food (especially ethnic food) is so much better up here. I mean geez, the very best Korean restaurant in San Diego would fit right into the lower end of the "mediocre" end of the scale in the L.A. area. The same goes for just about every other ethnicity I can think of.
I'll probably expound more on the details of my move at some later time, but for now... there's a lot of other catching up to do. My first trip back to San Diego after I moved was for the AK47 show... I was the official videographer for the event (the dude is a friend of a friend of mine)... it's kind of hard to explain exactly who this AK47 guy is... I'll just let one of the posters from the event do the talking for me... click for the full size image:

My second trip back to San Diego was actually last Monday. I went in on tuesday to work as an extra on the season 2 premiere of Veronica Mars. This will probably be the last episode of the show I work on as I don't really want to keep driving to San Diego to do this. I'll be back at the studio again on Monday. Maybe I'm not supposed to say this but the rumor is I'm gonna be dying in this episode and if it's true, I can't think of any better way of ending my tenure as an extra portraying a student of Neptune High School... well except for maybe having the episode end with Meg Manning pulling my body out of the carnage and administering CPR for a really, really, really long time before my "character" gasps his last breath while gazing into her beautiful eyes and dies in her arms... but somehow I don't think that's what's gonna be written in the script. Oh well.
Speaking of my "character" on Veronica Mars, VM fansite actually posted an interview... with me about my experiences working on the show. They must be really crazy about the show to be wanting to track down the freakin' extras and talk to them... I don't know of any other fan sites of any other TV shows doing this!
On Wednesday night I went with my dad, mom and sister to my first ever game at Dodger Stadium, despite the fact that I lived in the L.A. area from age 2 to 18. Chavez Ravine is a damned fine place for a baseball game. All you see looking around there is trees, mountains... nature. It's kind of amazing to me that such places like that still exist in the middle of L.A. Though the Dodgers were playing the Reds I was out there representing San Diego with my Padres cap, haha. Though I remain a Padres fan, I've got no problem rooting for the Dodgers... as long as them winning doesn't interfere with anything the Padres are doing :). Besides, my dad gets annoyed when I root against the home team, haha.
I will say one thing though... the fans at Dodger Stadium are quit a bit rowdier than you ever see at Petco Park in San Diego, haha. It was definitely a fun game to be at. I can't wait until I'm able to take in a game when the Padres come to town!
Ahhh San Diego I do still love you. I'll be back someday. But this is the best thing for me right now. Yup.