Friday, 14 October 2005
ell I'm about to start what should prove to be just about the busiest two weeks of my entire life. I've been busy preparing for a trip I'll be taking half way around the world, the details of which I'll post up after I get back. I haven't really travelled anywhere further than Las Vegas in several years, and this will definitely be the first time I'm going to places that most people couldn't find on a map of the world, haha. I will be shooting quite a bit of video on this trip, and I'm very excited, it should be an interesting adventure.
The day after we get back will be Halloween and I'll be getting dressed up as a film student as I head out bright and early that morning to Hollywood for my first day as a student at the Los Angeles Film School while working on a 13 hour jetlag. At least I'll be working on the end of daylight savings time at the exact same time, haha. And on top of that I have the usual work that I have to do every first and second of the month while also editing all the footage I'll have collected on the trip. Fun, fun, fun!
L.A. Film School is an all hands-on, super intensive 12 month program that really seems to be more technical school than art school, which really is exactly what I'm looking for since, hey, I'm already 28 years old and the last thing I really want to be doing is spending four more years in school and coming out trying to start a new career at the ripe old age of 32. It really seems like exactly what I need since really I just want to get all the technical skills I need to go and find work out there in a really short amount of time. It seems like all their gear is very up to date and current industry standard type stuff so the skills I learn on the equipment I'll be learning on should be instantly marketable. At least, that's what I'm hoping. So yeah. I'm totally pumped.
Oh my poor San Diego Padres, swept by the Cardinals in the division series. I guess that's just about what everyone expected. But I'm sure I'll be back out in Vegas again this winter, and I'll make another way-too-early bet, except maybe I'll get a little more realistic and just bet on them winning the NL West instead of the NL Pennant like I did in February this year, haha. Although I really should first wait until all the free agency trading stuff settles down so I actually know what players we'll have left.
It is, at least initially, looking like 1998 again... where the Padres made it to the post-season (actually they made it all the way to the World Series that year) and then right after that season all of the good players were snatched up by a bunch of other teams with much deeper pockets and it's taken them this long to rebuild the team back up to a point where they could make it to the playoffs. Of course, they weren't even very good this year, they just happened to suck less than everyone else in the NL West. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
In the mean time I definitely won't be rooting for the Angels who are trying to claim a city they don't even play in. I got no love for Orange County which to me represents a cess pool of American selfishness run amok. It's where all of the soul and character has been squeezed out of the place in the pursuit of everything being as inoffensive as possible in the name of "property value". I don't want any part of it, haha. If the Angels make it to the World Series this year, I'll be rooting for whatever National League team they'll be up against (likely the Cardinals) cuz I'll be damned if I'll be rooting for the American League with their wussy-ass pitchers that are too prissy to swing a bat!
I bought the Veronica Mars Season 1 DVD set. How could I resist buying DVDs with me walking around in the background? I was hoping I would appear in some of the 20 minutes of deleted scenes, but alas there was only one instance where I knew I worked on that particular scene, and I didn't see myself in it. It's also got an extended version of the pilot episode which in some ways is a bit darker in tone than what actually ended up airing. I should probably try and get a review up on my DVD review site before I take off on my trip next week.
The past six weeks I've been doing this swim workout that's supposed to get you from 0 to being able to swim 1650 yards (the "swimmer's mile") in 6 weeks. Let me tell you, it works as advertised. The first week I was so out of shape that I could barely make it 100 yards (4 laps of our backyard pool) at a time without feeling like I was going to die. Now I can do the whole 1650 yards (66 laps of our pool) straight without stopping to rest! But let me tell you, they aren't kidding when they say it'll seem like the rest periods aren't long enough. But they also aren't kidding when they say that you'll improve a lot faster than you would expect to. This shiz really works! I'm getting downright skinny now and I can finally see my six pack coming back. But most importantly, I actually have some cardiovascular strength now and don't get winded so easily...
Anyway, it's about 2am now I and I really should get to sleep. I've got a lot of stuff to take care of before I leave on my trip, including a lot of things I still need to buy. And I'm probably going to chop most of my hair off before I leave too. Probably. Maybe. Eh, why not, my hair grows back fast enough anyway.