Monday, 27 December 1999
ell it has been quite a while since I updated this thing... over a month!! So I guess kind of a lot of stuff has happened. First of all, the end of fall quarter... and school in general... it's not so good. I mean, I used to joke about how my sister was going to graduate before me, but... it's not a joke anymore, it's for real! But other than that, things are going pretty well for me and my life.
So before Christmas, I
went to the winter Glow of Love. For those of you who don't know, it's a
special Christian retreat program thing, that is unlike any other program
out there. Anyway, I helped my sister design the little mascot penguin guy
that went on all the name tags and t-shirts and stuff. He's the little guy
to the right. Anyway,
this winter's glow wasn't like one of those ones where people come away
with their lives totally changed, but that's OK, because I think, sometimes
it's the little changes that really count, and it's the little changes that
are the easiest to make... and maintain. And it's the little changes that
lead to bigger ones.
Christmas itself, was pretty uneventful, nothing big happened at home. I didn't even get all my presents from everybody because we didn't have the big family christmas thing like we usually do every year. But I did get a nice butt pad from my mom. I have to admit that at first, I was like... WTF? A butt pad? But then after continually using this thing... woah man this thing is really good!!
The day after Christmas was the Glow of Love reunion thing. It was pretty cool. Afterwards, I sat down and played the drums for the first time in like 4 years. Man I was pretty rusty and I messed up a lot, but I was surprised at how much of my ability I actually retained after all this time.
And now, today, the day after the day after Christmas. This afternoon I met Lawrence and his mom at Disneyland. His mom came down after Christmas to hang out with him and stuff. We watched the Christmas parade (which seemed kind of repetitive at times), then we went out of the park to check out the changes to the Disneyland Hotel, and man, they sure changed a lot of stuff! The new swimming pool is really cool and way better than the lame paddle boat thing they had there before.
Then we went back in the park. I went to the French Market to eat some good Jambalaya with lots of Tabasco sauce, while Lawrence and his mom used their Fastpass things to get onto Space Mountain. After that we rode on Haunted Mansion together and then I left. I went to the Cerritos mall to buy my sister's christmas present, a puffy bubble jacket from Lerner New York & Co. that she saw while we were shopping for everyone else's Christmas presents. And good thing I bought it after Christmas because it was 40% off!! Anyway, she is not here right now, she went to another church retreat thing, but she'll be back on the 30th. I hope she is happy with it, cuz I know she looks good in it cuz it did when she tried it on.
I've been in LA for like... a while now. This is the longest I've been staying at my parents place for a very long time. It's been... relaxing. And nice. Yeah. Anyway.