Posted by Bryan on March 01, 1998 at 21:21:51:
Week of: Monday, 23 February 1998 posted by Bryan Hong on February 24, 1998 at 21:49:46:
So ah I went to LA this weekend. Yeah.
I hung out at Kenny's house.
Friday night we went to Riverside for about 5 minutes and came back and shot pool back in L.A... kinda stupid.
Will rented a V6 Camaro to drive until he buys his new car which is going to be an Accord coupe or something like that.
That was kind of fun riding around in there.
Uh hmmm... Saturday night we went bowling with his sister, her dude, the dude with the Prelude on my rice-boy page, Mike and Anthony. I bowled a 139 on my second game, I don't recall what I hit on the first game.
Hmmm. Yeah then we went back home. Watched SNL. Then some thing really late at night on MTV about the unintelligeble lyrics in their videos which was pretty fun to watch.
Today I watched Charlie and the Chocholate Factory and some other stuff while waiting for Ken to come back from getting his hair cut. Then we left for San Diego.
I got off the freeway at Lomas Santa Fe in Solana Beach to take the scenic route the rest of the way and saw a guy in a 427 Cobra, and that was very cool. Uh hmm. Nothing much else to talk about I guess.