Since my life is so boring and I'm so bad at updating this thing, I've decided to change over to a "weekly" update system now. That doesn't mean i'm not going to write more than once a week. What it does mean though, is that I won't feel bad if I miss a day or too. Basically it's less commitment. Or something like that.
So gone, is the "Index of This Week's Entries", as it will become one, long, update. And until I can think of a prettier way to keep the old updates, I'll just use the old way. Or something.
Monday was pretty... um. Dull, I guess. I woke up, went to class, as usual. I went home. I went back to school. Wow.
Today it rained. It rained and rained and rained. Ken and I woke up around 10 or so to make it to humanities lecture at 11. It was cloudy. And windy. And rainy. So I decided to drive. Which was wise, since by the end of lecture, it was pouring. We came back home. That was Ken's last class. Meanwhile, I was at home and was supposed to be pondering what I was going to be saying at the debate in Humanities discussion, but I just ended up playing a lot of Minesweeper and chatting in the Star 100.7 Chat room, which can be found at It is very friendly chatting there, lemme tell ya.
So I went to physics. I was late. It was pouring down harder than ever, and I drove around for 40 minutes looking for a parking space. Why do people who live ON campus need cars again? And why do they insist on taking all the close parking spaces? All they do is park it there. And then they don't move it because they are afraid of losing their parking space! And the poor commuters (like me, even though I usually 'commute' by walking) have to walk great distances from the parking lot every day, passing by the same cars, parked in the same spots that never moved because their owners in the dorms don't want to lose their parking space!! This is very dumb.
Physics wasn't too bad. Then it was on to my debate. I guess I did ok. I was the 1st rebuttal dude on the negative side. The affirmative people were arguing for Machiavelli's point of view. Or something like that. Heidi said I did pretty good. I guess I did. Now I have to do it again for the whole lecture on Friday.
I came home (again)... and i sat at my computer (again), and started to chat (again). I looked out my window and noticed that it stopped raining. Not only that, but I could even see a little hint of blue sky. So I went outside to check the mail, and I saw what potentially could become a great sunset.
So I hopped into my car and headed for the cliffs... and on the way I was greeted by worse rain than I saw all day. And I got out of my car and there was this beautiful rainbow. Then I trudged through the mud to get to the cliffs, and was met by one of the most amazing things I had ever seen in my whole life. Vere few other people were there, as I supposed that none of them even thought there would BE a sunset today. Lucky for them, I took lots of pictures. I'll probably put a few of them up here so you can see them and stuff.
And that was about as amazing as my life got this whole week.
Thursday I didn't really do much. I went to a meeting for the debate in Humanities lecture on Friday, then I went to the CAPE office to do some work, and I ended up staying there the whole day.
Then I went to a party at Bonny's house. Her house is really cool. It kinda made me want to get my own house. I would have gone to the party as Beavis, except it was really cold that night, and Beavis only wears a t-shirt and shorts, which really isn't very warm.
Actually, my life got a bit more exciting than it did on Wednesday. First off, there was the debate, which my team lost, but that's ok, cuz I still think we did good.
Then quickly, I ditched the rest of my classes and I drove to LA, where I met Kenny. We then went back down to UC Irvine to pick up one of Kenny's elementary school friends. She and her friend loaded up Kenny's entire trunk with stuff. I don't understand why girls take so much stuff home! They went home the week before too! Girls... sheesh.
Anyways, supposedly we were supposed to be doing something with her and some of her friends later that night, but me and Kan were never told where we were really going. So we picked up 2 of her other friends and we ended up at... -drumroll-
a CSA post-halloween party! It was actually very very huge, as it was the CSA's from many different universities in southern California. It was a stinkin' rice-boy convention!! The way we found the place was by the long line of Rice-Rockets entering into the parking lot! I've never seen so many lowered Civics, Accords, Integras and Preludes in one place in my entire life! Unfortunately, photographs were hard to get (and it was dark anyways) so I didn't get too many pictures. That was pretty disappointing, you know what I mean? All those cars and nothing!! Oh well. The party, if you ask me, was pretty sad, with a lot of guys checking out chicks and a lot of chicks checking out dudes, but not a lot of dude's interacting with chicks, you know? Oh well.
Saturday. I woke up to the phone ringing. It was my mom. She took my dad to the airport, but he forgot to bring something, so I had to come out to the airport to deliver it. I saw my dad for a total of maybe 3 minutes. Oh well.
Then I hung out with Paul and some other people from my high school. Then I went to Heidi's house and got some dinner and then we came back to San Diego.