seeking Female, 29 years old, 5'10" tall
Body Type
Marital Status
Has Children?
As skinny as ever
Downey, CA
5 years at UCSD
L.A. Film School
my name is Bryan and this isn't really a personal ad. I grew up
in the Los Angeles area, and moved to San Diego in 1995 to go to
UCSD. In 2000, I found myself one-third of the way to earning three
different degrees -- what can I say, I love learning about new things,
but I decided to move on to bigger and better things.
In my previous lives I've been a typist, a writer for an automotive magazine, a theatrical stage manager, a web designer, a professional blackjack player, and a couple of other things I might be forgetting, haha. These days I mostly work in the film industry as a grip or dolly grip on some larger projects while working as cinematographer on whatever smaller projects I can get.
the dot-com bust I lived a life of ease for about 5 years, taking
in the beautiful San Diego weather, making frequent comped trips
to Vegas, watching hundreds and hundreds of movies, and hardly ever
working (I think I worked maybe 20 hours a month doing freelance
work) but I gave up that lifestyle to move back up to smoggy, trafficky
L.A. to pursue a career as a cinematographer.
I am much older than I look. In fact, at the tender young age of
27, I played a high school student on TV as an extra in the show
Veronica Mars. I tried it out because I was interested in
making a career in filmmaking and thought this would be a good way
to see how a professional set is run. I ended up enjoying myself
so much I stayed on for the last third of the first season, absorbing
everything I could about the filmmaking process. Having decided that yes, this is something I really want to do, I enrolled at the Los Angeles Film School where I went in thinking I wanted to be an editor and came out finding that film lighting was the true love of my life.
you look into my collection of music you see Coltrane and Metallica;
Dr. Dre and Chemical Brothers; Beatles and Weird Al; MiniDisc and
vinyl; all sitting harmoniously side by side. If you look on my
desk you see Mac and PC, also joined in harmony. Balance is the
key to a satisfying lifestyle!
spend their whole lives worrying about niggling details that don't
matter in the grand scheme of things. Why worry? Worrying accomplishes
nothing. Some say they perform better under stress, but I've never
heard of anyone becoming more effective by worrying about
world would be a happier place if people were content to just say
"oh well" and let things go once in a while. Take
command. People aren't gonna just give things to you, you gotta
get out there and take what you want out of life. Don't limit
yourself, keep your options open and explore!
me, the glass may be half-empty, but you better believe I'm already
scheming up a better and faster way of filling it back up again
with the least amount of effort possible!