Sunday, 18 December 2005
y goodness, another week has already passed! The first term is winding down now and all the shooting projects for my first term at school are over, except for the one we'll be shooting tomorrow at 6:00am. Since things are winding down, I've had a bit more extra time (although I really should be doing my producing class homework right now instead of updating this stuff) to take care of some business around here on the website. First and foremost, I've created a little page for all of my LA Film School shooting projects, so check 'em out if you're interested.
Secondly, I've updated my "In Brief" page which was about three years out of date. Actually looking at it, I really probably should completely redesign my entire website, but I really don't have time for that right now. Boy do I wish I did that while I had all that free time before I started school, haha. The links page on my site is like 4 years out of date now, and a lot of those links are dead, haha. I guess I should get around to updating that some time soon too.
Only three more days of classes and it's winter break time. And man am I ready for a vacation. These first 8 weeks of school have been exhausting as they've been exhilarating for me. Of course once school is out I'll be editing the stuff I shot in Afghanistan full time (finally) so who knows how much rest I'll really be getting, haha. Welp, sorry for such a cheesy update but I really should get to work on some other stuff, plus I'm still trying to get all the last pieces of the shoot tomorrow together... I think we still need an actress. Argh, why do they give us only 3 days to prepare for this?
It's just occurred to me that 2006 will be the 10th anniversary of this web journal. As a person, I feel so, so far away from the person I was back then, but it's pretty fun going back and seeing what was important to me back in those days, haha.