The Early Entries (10/96-8/97):
18 August 1997
- The end of work!
11 August 1997
- Weekend w/ friends and ferraris, and other rich and famous people in La Jolla (sort of)
4, August 1997
- Boring summer routine, Disneyland, haircut, big waves, crowded water.
21 July 1997
- Mass Rice-Boy hits, surfboards and stuff.
19 May 1997
- Padres/Dodgers, TJ, and Disneyland's Light
parade and light show.
12 May 1997
- Paul comes down,
Back to the Future
and Sun God Festival
5 May 1997
- ... Acceptance
21 April 1997
- running
7 April 1997
- Perfect day, not so perfect day.
24 March 1997
- Spring break, Cami's house, Magic Mountain, Disneyland
17 March 1997
- Finals week, night bowling, spring break boredom
10 March 1997
- Warm days, kite flying and dead rabbits
03 March 1997
- Reading, the Ultimate Cheezy Date, home-home, humanities paper
23 February 1997
- fixed old skates, leftover dates, Empire Strikes Back, Disneyland, Captain EO.
16 February 1997
- long boring weekend, IVCF, why I don't go to KCM/KACF, fixed car, sleepover.
27 January 1997
- Dropped math, beach in January, stargazing at the cliffs.
13 January 1997
- Computer for Heidi, cut hair short, trip to Stanford, missed THE ONE.
30 December
- Package grabbed by cops, Planet Hollywood with Margaret, new 'blades
9 December 1996
- Finals, Disco gift exchange, ice skating, eyebrow piercing, winter break
25 November 1996
- Star Trek: First Contact, Humanities Paper
18 November 1996
- Traffic school, Gospel Choir, Disneyland with Debbie
4 November 1996
- Ransom, parking lot paving
26 October 1996
- Halloween parties and stuff
in brief
Copyright © Bryan Minsok Hong